Triple Stats
Triples generate a golden version of the minion. The golden version always has double the base stats of a single non-golden version.
Buffs and debuffs are transfered to the golden minion, but the golden minions stats can not go below base stats.
Attack and Health will be evaluated individually.
The description and examples below are based on a tweet chain provided by Dom (@DCalkosz).
For simplicity the examples 1-4 will assume that the third copy will be added to our hand as a plain copy, i.e. just base stats, without any buffs or debuffs.
Example 1: Base stats
Unaltered stats will result in a golden minion with its base stats. The golden version of Sellemental (2/2) will have base stats of (4/4).
Example 2: Buffs
In this example we have two buffed Icky Imps.
The first one has a buff of (+2/+1). The second one has a buff of (+1/+4). The total of buffs is (+3/+5). The base stats of the golden version are (2/2), thus resulting in a (5/7) triple.
Example 3: Debuffs
In this example we have two Tavern Tippers with a (-1/-1) debuff each. The resulting (-2/-2) would lead to the golden version (4/4) being reduced to a (2/2). But triples will never be reduced below base stats, resulting in a (4/4) golden minion.
Example 4: Mixed scenario
In this example we have two Rot Hide Gnolls with (+1/-3) (de-)buffs each, or (+2/-6) in total. Base stats of the golden version are (2/8).
The triple will now be created in the following way:
- The applied attack buff (2+2=4) is taken over to the golden minion.
- The health debuff (8-6=2) will not be taken into consideration, because, again, golden minions will at least have base stats.
- The resulting golden version therefore will not be a (4/2), but a (4/8).

Example 5: Three buffed minions
When we have three buffed minions, all buffs will simply be added. Examples of ways to buff minions in shop are Nomi, Dazzling Lightspawn, Felemental, Legion Overseer, Uther or Vol'jin. Additionally, you can get buffed minions from
Mr. Bigglesworth's hero power.
As example for a scenario with three buffed minions we have three Bristleback Brutes.
Their buffs are (+27/+30), (+12/+15) and (+2/+2), resulting in a total of (+41/+47). When adding the buffs to the (6/6) base stats of the golden version, a (47/53) golden minion will be the result.
Example 6: Auras and effects
Auras and effects, like the attack buff from Nerubian Deathswarmer or the +1/+1 effect from Eternal Knight, will not be added together, but reapplied to the golden version (with golden Eternal Knight having a +2/+2 effect).
As the example we have three Micro Mummys.
The two Mummies in our warband have a (+3/0) and a (+2/0) attack buff from buffing each other. Additionally, they and the Mummies in shop each have a (+1/0) buff from Deathswarmer's battlecry aura. Resulting in (+8/0) buff on three Mummies.
The golden version, with base stats (2/4), will only apply the Mummy buffs (+5/0) through tripling. Resulting in a (7/4). The Deathswarmer buff (+1/0) will be applied only once on top of that and make our minion a (8/4).