BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

Standard Compositions: Beasts

These different compositions are meant to display proven setups to strive for, for the very end game (top 4 and above). In general one of the seven slots will be the 'flex' spot, used to cycle new minions during the tavern rounds. Therefore, your actual board will rarely be as perfect as these listed here. Of course as many minions as possible should be tripled (the exception being minions with Divine Shield or Venomous) and buffed with Reborn, Venomous, Divine Shield or Taunt.

If you got a build that buffs multiple minions via Rock Rock, Nalaa the Redeemer, or Mrglin' Burglar, the ideal cards you should be looking for should have a special effect such as Cleave or Divine Shield. Alternatively look for unique effects like Impulsive Trickster or Wildfire Elemental. But in general, just buff any card. Don't roll for the ideal, it can cost you the game to desperately try to find them. You want to scale early, not later.

Also primary support units like Brann and Drakkari Enchanter will usually be tossed for the very last fights, but are sometimes displayed here when being integral to the setup. If one of your units is lacking, it is also often beneficial to replace it with a Leeroy the Reckless or a Transmuted Bramblewitch, before a deciding fight.

All available Beasts and Beast-associated minions

All Beast builds can be improved by utilizing Sprightly Scarab to Reborn as many Beasts as possible while building up your endgame composition.

Self-Damage Comp

Monstrous MacawSpiked SaviorSpiked SaviorTrigore the LasherTrigore the LasherIridescent SkyblazerIridescent Skyblazer

This relies heavily on Irisdescent Skyblazer being the main way for your minions to gain stats. In the early and mid-game, this build becomes quite strong. However, as the game progresses, if you do not have an early Skyblazer then you may have an issue outscaling other builds. You can include cards such as Titus Rivendare to combine itself with the effects of Silithid Burrower, Monstrous Macaw, and Fire Dancer.

Deathrattle Comp

Monstrous MacawGoldrinn, the Great WolfManasaberIndomitable MountOctosari, Wrap GodGhoul-acabraTitus Rivendare

Please understand that Monstrous Macaw's effect the leftmost card on your board, not necessarily to it. It will always land on Goldrinn, as long as you position it to be the leftmost deathrattle card in comparison to the other deathrattle cards. Ghoul-acabra is not necessary for the build, but it can be another way to gain strength if you cannot find another Goldrinn. Other deathrattle cards from the beast pool like Rat Pack and Ghastcoiler can also fit in the build.

Frogleaper Comp

LeapfroggerMonstrous MacawManasaberLeapfroggerManasaberIndomitable MountTitus Rivendare

The frogs are back! Sadly, the game has removed many of the minions that spawn deathrattle tokens. But, this does not mean you have no options. Manasaber, Sly Raptor and Indomitable Mount are your best choices. Now, the most important thing to know about this build is that you absolutely NEED Titus Rivendare. The amount of bounces Leapers will provide without Titus is negligible. Keep your Titus safe, make sure you taunt and reborn your minions accordingly, and put Macaw at a spot where it's able to activate Manasaber's deathrattle.

These compositions are brought to you by high-MMR player and BG coach Mewwy. Check out his YouTube channel and maybe buy him a coffee if you like this information (Last updated: 26.08.2024).