BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

Standard Compositions: Quilboars

These different compositions are meant to display proven setups to strive for, for the very end game (top 4 and above). In general one of the seven slots will be the 'flex' spot, used to cycle new minions during the tavern rounds. Therefore, your actual board will rarely be as perfect as these listed here. Of course as many minions as possible should be tripled (the exception being minions with Divine Shield or Venomous) and buffed with Reborn, Venomous, Divine Shield or Taunt.

If you got a build that buffs multiple minions via Rock Rock, Nalaa the Redeemer, or Mrglin' Burglar, the ideal cards you should be looking for should have a special effect such as Cleave or Divine Shield. Alternatively look for unique effects like Impulsive Trickster or Wildfire Elemental. But in general, just buff any card. Don't roll for the ideal, it can cost you the game to desperately try to find them. You want to scale early, not later.

Also primary support units like Brann and Drakkari Enchanter will usually be tossed for the very last fights, but are sometimes displayed here when being integral to the setup. If one of your units is lacking, it is also often beneficial to replace it with a Leeroy the Reckless or a Transmuted Bramblewitch, before a deciding fight.

All available Quilboars and Quilboar-associated minions

Quilboars have a special mechanic in the form of Blood Gems, which in their base form are +1/+1 buffs that are stored as spells in your hand (the maximum hand size is 10). Gems should be scaled by using Prickly Piper and Moon-Bacon Jazzer as much as possible/reasonable while leveling up.

Due to the gems they have synergies with Mechs and Naga.

Surveyor Comp

Prickly PiperHot-Air SurveyorHot-Air SurveyorMangled BanditMangled BanditBongo BopperPokey Thornmantle

Any Quilboar that generates Blood Gems is good, so don't think this is the only way to build this comp. You can also have a Rylak Metalhead be paired next to Moon-Bacon Jazzer and a golden Razorfen Geomancer. You can have Foodie or use Bannerboar as well. Reminder, Pokey Thornmantle does NOT get stronger from Drakkari Enchanter's effect. Feel free to replace this card with something else after he has buffed your Blood Gems to a desirable number.

The only issue with this build is, that the targets for all the gems are suboptimal. So do try to move your gems over to a minion with Cleave or Divine Shield by using the spell Gem Confiscation.

Lorewalker Scroll, Hoggy Bank, Great Boar Sticker, Jar o'Gems, Blood Golem Sticker, and Conductor Portrait are ideal trinkets for this build.

Bristlebach Comp

Tough TuskTough TuskThree Lil' QuilboarRapscallion RecruiterRapscallion RecruiterThree Lil' QuilboarBristlebach

This is supposed to use Bristlebach's ability to refresh the Divine Shield of the Tough Tusks. The Recruiters can basically be any minion which summons another minion via Deathrattle or Reborn.

The stat gains from Bristlebach's Avenge ability are only temporary buffs during the combat phase. Make sure your Tusks have Divine Shield prior to battle!

Lorewalker Scroll, Hoggy Bank, Great Boar Sticker, Jar o'Gems, Blood Golem Sticker, and Quilligraphy Set are ideal trinkets for this build.

End of Turn Comp

Pokey ThornmantleCharlgaCharlgaBongo BopperBongo BopperHot-Air SurveyorDrakkari Enchanter

The key minions for this build are Charlga and Drakkari Enchanter. Heavily depends on buffing the size of your gems before concluding on this board. You can use Titus Rivendare with Prickly Piper, and buy multiple Moon-Bacon Jazzers to help with the scaling.

Lorewalker Scroll, Hoggy Bank, Great Boar Sticker, Jar o'Gems, Blood Golem Sticker, and Conductor Portrait are ideal trinkets for this build.

Rylak Battlecry Comp

Prickly PiperPrickly PiperCharlgaBrann BronzebeardTitus RivendareMoon-Bacon JazzerRylak Metalhead

Needs the availability of Beasts. This is a usual setup for you to scale your Blood Gems to high stats. Sadly, this build is quite weak until you actually get Charlga or Gem Smuggler. So be sure to know how to find ways to generate them, after you have done enough scaling via Jazzer and/or Piper. Heavily improves by reborning the Rylak by using Sprightly Scarab.

Instead of Brann you can also play a Monstrous Macaw (on position #1 of course).

Lorewalker Scroll, Hoggy Bank, Great Boar Sticker, Jar o'Gems, Blood Golem Sticker, Essence of Dreams, and Conductor Portrait are ideal trinkets for this build.

These compositions are brought to you by high-MMR player and BG coach Mewwy. Check out his YouTube channel and maybe buy him a coffee if you like this information (Last updated: 26.08.2024).