Heroes | ||||
Name | Health | Armor | HP Cost |
Hero Power Text |
A. F. Kay | 30 | 14 | - | Passive Skip your first two turns. Start with two minions from Tavern Tier 3. |
Al'Akir | 30 | 13 | - | Passive Start of Combat: Give your left-most minion Windfury, Divine Shield, and Taunt. |
Alexstrasza | 30 | 7 | 1 | Discover a Dragon. (Unlocks at Tier 4.) |
Ambassador Faelin | 30 | 14 | - | Passive. Skip your first turn. Discover a Tier 2, 4, and 6 minion to get at those Tiers. |
Aranna Starseeker | 30 | 15 | - | Passive After 14 friendly minions attack, the first minion you buy each turn is free. (16 left!) |
Arch-Villain Rafaam | 30 | 12 | 1 | Next combat, add a plain copy of the first minion you kill to your hand. |
Bru'kan | 30 | 13 | 0 | Choose an Element. Start of Combat: Call upon that Element. |
C'Thun | 30 | 10 | 2 | At end of turn, give a friendly minion +1/+1. Repeat 0 times. (Upgrades each turn!) |
Cap'n Hoggarr | 30 | 10 | - | Passive After you buy a Pirate, gain 1 Gold. |
Captain Eudora | 30 | 19 | 1 | Dig for a Golden minion! (5 Digs left.) |
Captain Hooktusk | 30 | 15 | 0 | Remove a minion. Choose one from a Tier lower to get. |
Cariel Roame | 30 | 10 | 1 | Give 2 friendly minions +1/+1. (After you upgrade the Tavern, choose an improvement!) |
Chenvaala | 30 | 7 | - | Passive After you play 3 Elementals, reduce the cost of upgrading Bob's Tavern by (3). |
Cho | 30 | 14 | - | Passive. Whenever you play a Golden minion, both you and Gall get a Triple Reward. (3 left!) |
Cookie the Cook | 30 | 7 | 0 | Throw a minion in your pot. When you've gathered 3, Discover from their minion types. (3 left!) |
Dancin' Deryl | 30 | 10 | - | Passive. When you play a minion, give it a +1/+1 hat that passes to a friendly minion when sold. |
Death Speaker Blackthorn | 30 | 10 | 1 | Get 2 Blood Gems. (Twice per turn.) |
Deathwing | 30 | 12 | - | Passive ALL minions have +3 Attack. |
Diablo | 30 | 10 | - | Passive. Every 4 turns, ALL enemies fight the Lord of Terror and your warband for loot. (4 turns left!) |
Dinotamer Brann | 30 | 14 | - | Passive. After you buy 4 Battlecry minions, get Brann Bronzebeard. (Once per game.) |
Doctor Holli'dae | 30 | 8 | 1 | Get a random Tavern spell. |
Drek'Thar | 30 | 7 | 0 | Passive Avenge (2): Give your minions +1 Attack permanently. |
E.T.C., Band Manager | 30 | 10 | 3 | Discover a Buddy. (Unlocks at Tier 2.) |
Edwin VanCleef | 30 | 20 | 1 | Give a minion +1/+1. Upgrades after you buy 4 minions. (4 left!) |
Elise Starseeker | 30 | 15 | 1 | Discover a minion from your Tavern tier. Costs (1) more after each use. |
Enhance-o Mechano | 30 | 15 | - | Passive. After each Refresh, give a minion in Bob's Tavern Taunt, Reborn, Windfury, or Divine Shield. |
Flobbidinous Floop | 30 | 15 | 0 | Choose a friendly minion. Start of Combat: Transform it into your teammate's highest-Tier minion. |
Forest Warden Omu | 30 | 8 | - | Passive After you upgrade Bob's Tavern, gain 2 Gold this turn only. |
Fungalmancer Flurgl | 30 | 15 | - | Passive. After you sell 5 minions, get a random Murloc. (5 left.) |
Galakrond | 30 | 17 | 1 | Choose a minion in Bob's Tavern. Discover a higher Tier minion to replace it. |
Galewing | 30 | 8 | 0 | Choose a new flightpath. Complete it to get a bonus! |
Gall | 30 | 14 | - | Passive. Whenever you play a Golden minion, both you and Cho get a Triple Reward. (3 left!) |
George the Fallen | 30 | 17 | 2 | Give a minion Divine Shield. |
Greybough | 30 | 16 | - | Passive Give +1/+2 and Taunt to minions you summon during combat. |
Guff Runetotem | 30 | 18 | 1 | Passive. After you buy 25 Tiers' worth of cards, get a Triple Reward. (25 left!) |
Heistbaron Togwaggle | 30 | 14 | 11 | Steal all minions in Bob's Tavern. Each turn, your next Hero Power costs (1) less. |
Illidan Stormrage | 30 | 14 | - | Passive. Start of Combat: Your left and right-most minions gain +2/+1 and attack immediately. |
Infinite Toki | 30 | 13 | 1 | Refresh Bob's Tavern. Include two minions from a higher Tavern Tier. |
Inge, the Iron Hymn | 30 | 6 | 0 | Give a minion Attack equal to your Tavern Tier. (Swaps to Health next turn!) |
Ini Stormcoil | 30 | 6 | - | Passive: After 10 friendly minions die, get a random Mech. |
Jandice Barov | 30 | 15 | 0 | Swap a friendly non-golden minion with a random one in Bob's Tavern. |
Kael'thas Sunstrider | 30 | 18 | - | Passive. Every third minion you play gets +1/+1 and improves this by +1/+1. |
King Mukla | 30 | 10 | - | Passive At the start of your turn, get 2 Bananas and give everyone else one. |
Kurtrus Ashfallen | 30 | 17 | - | Passive. Once per turn, after you buy 3 minions, get a plain copy of one of them. (3 left!) |
Lady Vashj | 30 | 13 | 1 | Discover a Spellcraft spell of your Tier or lower. Passive: Your first one each turn is permanent. |
Lich Baz'hial | 30 | 16 | 2 | Steal a card from the Tavern. Take damage equal to its Tier. |
Lord Barov | 30 | 19 | 1 | Guess which player will win their next combat. If they win, get 3 Coins. |
Lord Jaraxxus | 30 | 10 | 1 | Choose a friendly Demon. It consumes a minion in Bob's Tavern to gain its stats. |
Madam Goya | 30 | 8 | 2 | Pass a non-Golden minion. |
Maiev Shadowsong | 30 | 18 | 1 | Choose a card in the Tavern to lock in your hand. After 2 turns, unlock it. |
Malygos | 30 | 14 | 0 | Replace a card with a random one of the same Tavern Tier. (Twice per turn.) |
Marin the Manager | 30 | 10 | - | Passive. On Turn 5, choose a Lesser Trinket to buy. (4 turns left!) |
Master Nguyen | 30 | 8 | 0 | Passive At the start of every turn, choose from 2 new Hero Powers. |
Millhouse Manastorm | 30 | 18 | - | Passive Minions cost 2 Gold. Refresh costs 2 Gold. Tavern Tiers cost (1) more. |
Millificent Manastorm | 30 | 5 | - | Passive Whenever you summon a Mech, give it +2 Attack. |
Mr. Bigglesworth | 30 | 17 | - | Passive When a player dies, Discover a minion from their warband. It keeps any enchantments. |
Murloc Holmes | 30 | 12 | 0 | Look at 2 minions. Guess which one your next opponent had last combat for a Coin. |
Mutanus the Devourer | 30 | 13 | 0 | Remove a friendly minion. Spit its stats onto another. Get 1 Gold. |
N'Zoth | 30 | 10 | - | Passive Start the game with a 2/2 Fish that gains all your Deathrattles in combat. |
Nozdormu | 30 | 13 | - | Passive Your first Refresh each turn costs (0). |
Onyxia | 30 | 18 | - | Passive Avenge (4): Summon a 3/1 Whelp. It attacks immediately. |
Overlord Saurfang | 30 | 19 | 1 | Give a minion in the Tavern +2/+1. (Doubles every 3 turns!) |
Ozumat | 30 | 7 | - | Passive. When you have space in combat, summon a 1/1 Tentacle with Taunt. (Gains +1/+1 after you sell a minion!) |
Patches the Pirate | 30 | 5 | 0 | Get a Pirate. After you buy a Pirate, your next Hero Power costs (1) less. |
Patchwerk | 60 | 0 | - | Passive Start with 60 Health instead of 30. |
Professor Putricide | 30 | 16 | 4 | Craft a custom Undead. (3 Creations left!) |
Pyramad | 30 | 16 | 0 | Give a minion +1 Health. (Gains +1 Health each turn you don't use this!) |
Queen Azshara | 30 | 13 | - | Passive. When your warband reaches 25 total Attack, begin your Naga Conquest. |
Queen Wagtoggle | 30 | 10 | - | Passive. Start of Combat: Give a friendly minion of each type stats equal to their Tavern Tiers. |
Ragnaros the Firelord | 30 | 13 | - | Passive. At the end of your turn, give your left- and right-most minions +4/+4. |
Rakanishu | 30 | 17 | 1 | Get a 'Lantern Light' that gives a minion stats equal to your Tier. |
Reno Jackson | 30 | 16 | 0 | Make a friendly minion Golden. (Once per game.) |
Rock Master Voone | 30 | 15 | - | Passive. At the end of every 3 turns, get a plain copy of the left-most card in your hand. (3 turns left!) |
Rokara | 30 | 14 | - | Passive. After a friendly minion kills an enemy, give it +1 Attack permanently. |
Scabbs Cutterbutter | 30 | 10 | 2 | Discover a plain copy of a minion from your next opponent's warband. |
Shudderwock | 30 | 10 | 0 | Trigger a friendly minion's Battlecry. |
Silas Darkmoon | 30 | 10 | - | Passive. Darkmoon Tickets are in the Tavern! Get 3 to Discover a minion from your Tavern Tier. |
Sindragosa | 30 | 18 | 0 | Freeze a minion in Bob's Tavern. Frozen minions get +2/+1 each turn. |
Sir Finley Mrrgglton | 30 | 12 | - | Passive At the start of the game, Discover a Hero Power. |
Sire Denathrius | 30 | 11 | - | Passive. At the start of the game, choose one of two Quests. |
Skycap'n Kragg | 30 | 14 | 0 | Gain 1 Gold this turn. Increases each turn. (Once per game.) |
Snake Eyes | 30 | 6 | 1 | Roll a 6-sided die. Gain that much Gold. (Cannot be used again for that many turns!) |
Sneed | 30 | 18 | 1 | Give a minion: "Deathrattle: Summon a random minion from the same Tavern Tier lower." |
Sylvanas Windrunner | 30 | 20 | 1 | Give +2/+1 to your minions that died last combat. |
Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher | 30 | 18 | - | Passive Every fourth Tavern Spell you buy costs (0). |
Tamsin Roame | 30 | 10 | 0 | Start of Combat: Destroy your lowest Health minion. Give its stats to your other minions. |
Tavish Stormpike | 30 | 15 | 0 | Take aim! Start of Combat: Deal 2 damage to your target. (Doubles every 3 turns!) |
Teron Gorefiend | 30 | 10 | 0 | Choose a friendly minion. Start of Combat: Destroy it. Once you have space, resummon an exact copy. |
Tess Greymane | 30 | 17 | 1 | Refresh Bob's Tavern with your last opponent's warband. |
The Curator | 30 | 13 | - | Passive Start the game with a 2/2 Amalgam with Venomous and all minion types. |
The Great Akazamzarak | 30 | 7 | 1 | Choose a Secret. Put it into the battlefield. |
The Jailer | 30 | 19 | 1 | Give a minion +1/+1. Upgrades after nine friendly minions die. (9 left!) |
The Lich King | 30 | 10 | 0 | Give a friendly minion Reborn for the next combat only. |
The Nameless One | 30 | 12 | - | Passive. Start of Game: Copy your teammate's Hero Power. |
The Rat King | 30 | 9 | 2 | Discover a minion of a specific type. Swaps type each turn. |
Thorim, Stormlord | 30 | 15 | - | Passive. At the start of the game, Discover a Tier 7 minion to get after you spend 65 Gold. (65 left!) |
Tickatus | 30 | 15 | - | Passive Every 4 turns, Discover a Darkmoon Prize. (3 turns left!) |
Trade Prince Gallywix | 30 | 10 | - | Passive After you sell a minion, get 1 extra Gold next turn. (Can exceed 10.) |
Vanndar Stormpike | 30 | 15 | 0 | Passive Avenge (2): Give your minions +1 Health permanently. |
Varden Dawngrasp | 30 | 15 | - | Passive. After Bob's Tavern is Refreshed, copy his highest Tier minion and Freeze them both. |
Vol'jin | 30 | 15 | 0 | Choose 2 minions. They gain each other's Attack until next turn. |
Xyrella | 30 | 10 | 2 | Choose a minion in Bob's Tavern to add to your hand. Set its stats to 2. |
Y'Shaarj | 30 | 16 | 2 | Start of Combat: Summon and get a random minion from your Tavern Tier. |
Yogg-Saron, Hope's End | 30 | 14 | 2 | Add a random minion in Bob's Tavern to your hand. Give it +1/+1. |
Ysera | 30 | 5 | - | Passive Bob always offers an extra Dragon whenever the Tavern is Refreshed. |
Zephrys, the Great | 30 | 17 | 3 | If you have two copies of a minion, find the third. (3 Wishes left!) |
Minions | ||||||
Name | Tier | Type | Pool | Attack | Health | Text |
Annoy-o-Tron | 1 | Mech | Mech | 1 | 2 | Taunt Divine Shield |
Backstage Security | 1 | Demon | Demon | 4 | 4 | Battlecry: Deal 1 damage to your hero. |
Cord Puller | 1 | Mech | Mech | 1 | 1 | Divine Shield. Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Microbot. |
Deep-Sea Angler | 1 | Naga | Naga | 2 | 2 | Spellcraft: Give a minion +2 Health and Taunt until next turn. |
Glim Guardian | 1 | Dragon | Dragon | 1 | 3 | Whenever this attacks, gain +2/+1. |
Harmless Bonehead | 1 | Undead | Undead | 1 | 1 | Deathrattle: Summon two 1/1 Skeletons. |
Manasaber | 1 | Beast | Beast | 4 | 1 | Deathrattle: Summon two 0/1 Cublings with Taunt. |
Misfit Dragonling | 1 | Dragon | Dragon | 2 | 1 | Start of Combat: Gain stats equal to your Tier. |
Molten Rock | 1 | Elemental | Elemental | 3 | 3 | Taunt. After you play an Elemental, gain +1 Health. |
Passenger | 1 | All | 2 | 2 | The first time your team Passes each turn, gain +1/+2. | |
Picky Eater | 1 | Demon | Demon | 1 | 1 | Battlecry: Consume a random minion in Bob's Tavern to gain its stats. |
Razorfen Geomancer | 1 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 3 | 1 | Battlecry: Gain a Blood Gem. |
Refreshing Anomaly | 1 | Elemental | Elemental | 1 | 4 | Battlecry: Your next Refresh costs (0). |
Risen Rider | 1 | Undead | Undead | 2 | 1 | Taunt Reborn |
Saltscale Honcho | 1 | Murloc | Murloc | 3 | 2 | After you play a Murloc, give a friendly Murloc other than it +1 Health. |
Scallywag | 1 | Pirate | Pirate | 3 | 1 | Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Pirate. It attacks immediately. |
Snail Cavalry | 1 | Naga | Naga | 2 | 2 | Once per turn, after you cast a spell, gain +1/+1. |
Southsea Busker | 1 | Pirate | Pirate | 3 | 1 | Battlecry: Gain 1 Gold next turn. |
Sun-Bacon Relaxer | 1 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 1 | 2 | When you sell this, gain 2 Blood Gems. |
Swampstriker | 1 | Murloc | Murloc | 1 | 5 | After you summon a Murloc, gain +1 Attack. |
Thorncaptain | 1 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 4 | 2 | After a card is added to your hand, gain +1 Health until next turn. |
Trusty Pup | 1 | Beast | Beast | 1 | 3 | Whenever this takes damage, gain +1 Attack permanently. |
Upbeat Frontdrake | 1 | Dragon | Dragon | 1 | 1 | At the end of every 3 turns, get another random Dragon. (3 turns left!) |
Wrath Weaver | 1 | Demon | 1 | 4 | After you play a Demon, deal 1 damage to your hero and gain +2/+1. | |
Ancestral Automaton | 2 | Mech | Mech | 2 | 5 | Has +2/+1 for each other Ancestral Automaton you've summoned this game (wherever this is). |
Blazing Skyfin | 2 | Murloc | Murloc | 2 | 4 | After you trigger a Battlecry, gain +1/+1. |
Bountiful Bedrock | 2 | Elemental | Elemental | 2 | 2 | At the end of every 2 turns, get a random Elemental. (2 turns left!) |
Coldlight Seer | 2 | Murloc | Murloc | 2 | 3 | Battlecry: Give your other Murlocs +2 Health. |
Crackling Cyclone | 2 | Elemental | Elemental | 4 | 1 | Divine Shield Windfury |
Defiant Shipwright | 2 | Pirate | Pirate | 2 | 5 | Whenever this gains Attack, gain +1 Health permanently. |
Eternal Knight | 2 | Undead | Undead | 4 | 1 | Has +1/+1 for each friendly Eternal Knight that died this game (wherever this is). |
Free Travel Winner | 2 | All | 2 | 2 | At the start of your turn, if this minion survived last combat, remove this and get a Triple Reward. | |
Friendly Saloonkeeper | 2 | All | 3 | 4 | Battlecry: Your teammate gets a Gold Coin. | |
Generous Geomancer | 2 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 1 | 1 | Deathrattle: You and your teammate each get a Blood Gem. |
Gift Pilferer | 2 | Pirate | Pirate | 2 | 3 | Upgrading the Tavern costs (1) less. |
Humming Bird | 2 | Beast | Beast | 2 | 4 | Your other Beasts have +2 Attack. |
Impulsive Trickster | 2 | Demon | Demon | 3 | 3 | Deathrattle: Give this minion's maximum Health to another friendly minion. |
Irate Rooster | 2 | Beast | Beast | 3 | 4 | Start of Combat: Deal 1 damage to adjacent minions and give them +4 Attack. |
Kaboom Bot | 2 | Mech | Mech | 2 | 2 | Deathrattle: Deal 4 damage to a random enemy minion. |
Lava Lurker | 2 | Naga | Naga | 2 | 5 | The first Spellcraft enchantment on this each turn is permanent. |
Leapfrogger | 2 | Beast | Beast | 3 | 3 | Deathrattle: Give a friendly Beast +1/+1 and this Deathrattle. |
Lullabot | 2 | Mech | Mech | 2 | 2 | Magnetic At the end of your turn, gain +1/+1. |
Mind Muck | 2 | Demon | Demon | 3 | 2 | Battlecry: Choose a friendly Demon. It consumes a minion in Bob's Tavern to gain its stats. |
Moon-Bacon Jazzer | 2 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 2 | 3 | Battlecry: For the rest of the game, your Blood Gems give an extra +1 Health. |
Murcules | 2 | Murloc | Murloc | 5 | 2 | Whenever this kills a minion, give a minion in your hand +2/+2. |
Museum Mummy | 2 | Undead | Undead | 5 | 1 | Battlecry: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton. |
Nerubian Deathswarmer | 2 | Undead | Undead | 1 | 4 | Battlecry: Give your Undead +1 Attack for the rest of the game (wherever they are). |
Oozeling Gladiator | 2 | All | 2 | 2 | Battlecry: Get two Slimy Shields that give +1/+1 and Taunt. | |
Party Elemental | 2 | Elemental | Elemental | 3 | 2 | After you play an Elemental, give a friendly Elemental other than it +2/+1. |
Patient Scout | 2 | All | 1 | 1 | When you sell this, Discover a Tier 1 minion. (Upgrades each turn!) | |
Prophet of the Boar | 2 | Quilboar | 2 | 3 | Taunt. After you play a Quilboar, get a Blood Gem. | |
Reef Riffer | 2 | Naga | Naga | 1 | 1 | Spellcraft: Give a minion stats equal to your Tavern Tier until next turn. |
Ripsnarl Captain | 2 | Pirate | Pirate | 2 | 4 | Whenever a friendly Pirate attacks, give it +3 Attack. |
Scarlet Skull | 2 | Undead | Undead | 2 | 1 | Reborn Deathrattle: Give a friendly Undead +1/+2. |
Sellemental | 2 | Elemental | Elemental | 3 | 3 | When you sell this, get a 3/3 Elemental. |
Shell Collector | 2 | Naga | Naga | 4 | 3 | Battlecry: Get a Gold Coin. |
Silver Goose | 2 | Beast | Beast | 2 | 3 | Whenever this takes damage, summon a 2/2 Fledgling with Taunt. |
Soul Rewinder | 2 | Demon | Demon | 3 | 1 | After your hero takes damage, rewind it and give this +1 Health. |
Tad | 2 | Murloc | Murloc | 2 | 2 | When you sell this, add another random Murloc to your hand. |
Tough Tusk | 2 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 5 | 3 | After a Blood Gem is played on this, gain Divine Shield until next turn. |
Twilight Emissary | 2 | Dragon | Dragon | 3 | 3 | Taunt Battlecry: Give a friendly Dragon +2/+2. |
Wanderer Cho | 2 | All | 4 | 3 | 1 Pass each turn is free. (1 left!) | |
Whelp Smuggler | 2 | Dragon | 2 | 5 | After a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +1 Health. | |
Accord-o-Tron | 3 | Mech | Mech | 3 | 3 | Magnetic. At the start of your turn, gain 1 extra Gold. |
Annoy-o-Module | 3 | Mech | Mech | 2 | 4 | Magnetic Divine Shield Taunt |
Barrens Brawler | 3 | All | 2 | 6 | Battlecry: Get a random Deathrattle minion. | |
Bristling Buffoon | 3 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 3 | 4 | Whenever this takes damage, get a Blood Gem. (3 times per combat.) |
Crow's Nest Sentry | 3 | Pirate | Pirate | 4 | 2 | Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +4 Health. |
Deadly Spore | 3 | All | 1 | 1 | Venomous | |
Deep Blue Crooner | 3 | Naga | Naga | 2 | 2 | Spellcraft: Give a minion +1/+1 until next turn. Improve your future Deep Blues. |
Deflect-o-Bot | 3 | Mech | Mech | 3 | 2 | Divine Shield Whenever you summon a Mech during combat, gain +2 Attack and Divine Shield. |
Diremuck Forager | 3 | Murloc | Murloc | 3 | 4 | Start of Combat: Give a minion in your hand +2/+2, then summon it for this combat only. |
Disguised Graverobber | 3 | Undead | Undead | 4 | 4 | Battlecry: Destroy a friendly Undead to get a copy of it. |
Doting Dracthyr | 3 | Dragon | Dragon | 4 | 3 | At the end of your turn, give your teammate's minions +1 Attack. |
Electric Synthesizer | 3 | Dragon | Dragon | 3 | 2 | Battlecry: Give your other Dragons +3/+2. |
False Implicator | 3 | Demon | Demon | 1 | 1 | At the end of your turn, consume a minion in the Tavern to gain its stats. |
Fiery Felblood | 3 | Elemental | Elemental | 2 | 1 | Deathrattle: Minions in the Tavern have +2 Attack this game. |
Gunpowder Courier | 3 | Pirate | Pirate | 1 | 6 | After you spend 4 Gold, give your Pirates +1 Attack. (4 Gold left!) |
Handless Forsaken | 3 | Undead | Undead | 2 | 1 | Deathrattle: Summon a 2/1 Hand with Reborn. |
Jumping Jack | 3 | All | All | 3 | 4 | The first time this is sold, Pass it instead. |
Keyboard Igniter | 3 | Demon | Demon | 4 | 4 | Battlecry: Give your other Demons +2/+2 and deal 2 damage to your hero. |
Land Lubber | 3 | Elemental | Elemental | 4 | 5 | The Tavern offers an extra Tavern spell after each Refresh. |
Malchezaar, Prince of Dance | 3 | Demon | Demon | 4 | 3 | 2 Refreshes each turn cost Health instead of Gold. (2 left!) |
Mangled Bandit | 3 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 3 | 3 | At the start of your turn, discard a spell to get 3 Blood Gems. |
Monstrous Macaw | 3 | Beast | Beast | 4 | 3 | After this attacks, trigger your left-most Deathrattle (except this minion's). |
Orc-estra Conductor | 3 | All | 4 | 4 | Give a minion +2/+2 (Upgraded for each Orc-estra Conductor your team has played this game) | |
Phaerix, Wrath of the Sun | 3 | All | 3 | 1 | Divine Shield. Avenge (4): Give a random friendly minion Divine Shield. | |
Plunder Pal | 3 | Pirate | Pirate | 2 | 2 | At the start of your turn, you and your teammate each gain 1 Gold. |
Prickly Piper | 3 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 5 | 1 | Deathrattle: For the rest of the game, your Blood Gems give an extra +1 Attack. |
Puddle Prancer | 3 | Murloc | Murloc | 3 | 3 | After this is Passed, gain +4/+4. |
Rampager | 3 | Beast | Beast | 8 | 8 | Whenever this attacks, deal 1 damage to your other minions. |
Roaring Rallier | 3 | Dragon | Dragon | 2 | 6 | Whenever a friendly Dragon attacks, give it +3/+1. |
Scourfin | 3 | Murloc | Murloc | 3 | 3 | Deathrattle: Give a random minion in your hand +5/+5. |
Shell Whistler | 3 | Naga | Naga | 3 | 2 | Battlecry: Get a random Tavern spell from Tier 2. |
Silithid Burrower | 3 | Beast | Beast | 3 | 1 | Taunt. Deathrattle: Give your Beasts +1/+1 permanently. |
Sleeping Sea Glass | 3 | Elemental | Elemental | 3 | 3 | Choose One – Double this minion's Attack; or Health. |
Slimy Felblood | 3 | Elemental | Elemental | 3 | 4 | Battlecry: Minions in the Tavern have +2 Health this game. |
Sprightly Scarab | 3 | Beast | Beast | 2 | 1 | Choose One – Give a Beast +1/+1 and Reborn; or +3/+3 and Taunt. |
Tarecgosa | 3 | Dragon | Dragon | 5 | 5 | This permanently keeps your enchantments from combat. |
The Glad-iator | 3 | Naga | Naga | 3 | 3 | Divine Shield. Whenever you cast a spell, gain +1 Attack. |
Volcanic Visitor | 3 | Naga | Naga | 3 | 3 | Spellcraft: Choose One – Give your minions +2 Attack until next turn; or +2 Health until next turn. |
Warden of Old | 3 | Naga | Naga | 2 | 2 | Spellcraft: Gain 1 Gold. |
Xylo-bones | 3 | Undead | Undead | 5 | 1 | After you summon a minion in combat, gain +2 Health permanently. |
'Loc Prince | 4 | Murloc | Murloc | 2 | 2 | Whenever this gains stats, add +2/+2 to that amount (wherever this is). |
Anub'arak, Nerubian King | 4 | Undead | Undead | 4 | 3 | Deathrattle: Your Undead have +1 Attack for the rest of the game (wherever they are). |
Assistant Guard | 4 | All | 2 | 3 | Battlecry: Give a minion Taunt. Then give your Taunt minions +2/+3. | |
Bannerboar | 4 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 3 | 5 | At the end of your turn, play a Blood Gem on adjacent minions. |
Bassgill | 4 | Murloc | Murloc | 7 | 2 | Deathrattle: Summon the highest Health Murloc from your hand for this combat only. |
Blade Collector | 4 | Pirate | Pirate | 3 | 2 | Also damages the minions next to whomever this attacks. |
Bream Counter | 4 | Murloc | Murloc | 5 | 5 | While this is in your hand, after you play a Murloc, gain +3/+3. |
Cadaver Caretaker | 4 | Undead | Undead | 4 | 4 | Deathrattle: Summon four 1/1 Skeletons. |
Clunker Junker | 4 | Mech | Mech | 3 | 4 | Battlecry: Choose a friendly Mech. Discover a Mech to Magnetize to it. |
Fairy Gillmother | 4 | Murloc | Murloc | 1 | 5 | At the end of your turn, get a random Murloc. |
Fearless Foodie | 4 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 2 | 5 | Choose One – Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game; or Get 4 Blood Gems. |
Feisty Freshwater | 4 | Elemental | Elemental | 6 | 4 | Deathrattle: You and your teammate each gain two Refreshes that cost (0). |
Gem Smuggler | 4 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 3 | 4 | Battlecry: Play a Blood Gem on all your other minions. |
Grave Narrator | 4 | Undead | Undead | 2 | 7 | Avenge (3): Your teammate gets a random minion of their most common type. |
Grease Bot | 4 | Mech | Mech | 1 | 4 | Divine Shield After a friendly minion loses Divine Shield, give it +1/+1 permanently. |
Hunter of Gatherers | 4 | Dragon | Dragon | 3 | 5 | After this gains Attack, give your minions +1 Health. |
Imposing Percussionist | 4 | Demon | Demon | 4 | 4 | Battlecry: Discover a Demon. Deal damage to your hero equal to its Tier. |
Inspiring Underdog | 4 | All | 2 | 1 | Battlecry: Give your minions of Tier 3 or lower +2/+1. | |
Lil' Rag | 4 | Elemental | Elemental | 4 | 4 | After you play an Elemental, give a friendly minion stats equal to the Elemental's Tavern Tier. |
Living Azerite | 4 | Elemental | Elemental | 4 | 4 | Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, Elementals in the Tavern have +1/+1 this game. |
Lovesick Balladist | 4 | Pirate | Pirate | 3 | 4 | Battlecry: Give a Pirate +1 Health for each Gold spent this turn. |
Magnanimoose | 4 | Beast | Beast | 5 | 2 | Deathrattle: Summon a copy of a minion from your teammate's warband. Set its Health to 1 (except Magnanimoose). |
Mirror Monster | 4 | All | All | 4 | 4 | When you buy or Discover this, get an extra copy and Pass it. |
Motley Phalanx | 4 | All | All | 2 | 1 | Taunt. Deathrattle: Give a friendly minion of each type +2/+1 permanently. |
Mummifier | 4 | Undead | Undead | 5 | 2 | Deathrattle: Give a different friendly Undead Reborn. |
Peggy Sturdybone | 4 | Pirate | Pirate | 4 | 2 | After a card is added to your hand, give another friendly Pirate +1/+1. |
Persistent Poet | 4 | Dragon | Dragon | 2 | 3 | Divine Shield. Adjacent Dragons permanently keep your enchantments from combat. |
Pilgrimp | 4 | Demon | Demon | 3 | 4 | 1 Demon each turn costs Health instead of Gold to buy. (1 left!) |
Prized Promo-Drake | 4 | Dragon | Dragon | 5 | 4 | Start of Combat: Give your other Dragons +3/+3. |
Prosthetic Hand | 4 | Undead | Undead | 3 | 1 | Magnetic, Reborn. Can Magnetize to Mechs and Undead. |
Recycling Wraith | 4 | Elemental | Elemental | 5 | 4 | After you play an Elemental, your next Refresh costs (1) less. |
Rylak Metalhead | 4 | Beast | Beast | 5 | 3 | Taunt Deathrattle: Trigger the Battlecry of an adjacent minion. |
Sin'dorei Straight Shot | 4 | All | 3 | 4 | Windfury. Divine Shield. Whenever this attacks, remove Reborn and Taunt from the target. | |
Sky Pirate Flagbearer | 4 | Pirate | Pirate | 4 | 4 | Start of Combat: Give your other Pirates "Deathrattle: Summon a 1/1 Pirate. It attacks immediately." |
Sly Raptor | 4 | Beast | Beast | 1 | 3 | Deathrattle: Summon another random Beast. Set its stats to 7/7. |
Snarling Conductor | 4 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 4 | 5 | At the start of your turn, discard a spell to gain 4 Gold. |
Soft-hearted Siren | 4 | Naga | Naga | 3 | 6 | Whenever this takes damage, get a random Spellcraft spell. (3 times per combat.) |
Storm Splitter | 4 | Naga | Naga | 5 | 5 | Once per turn, after you Pass a Tavern spell, get a new copy of it. |
Tavern Tempest | 4 | Elemental | Elemental | 2 | 2 | Battlecry: Get a random Elemental. |
Thundering Abomination | 4 | Undead | Undead | 3 | 6 | Whenever you summon a minion in combat, give it +3/+2. If there's no space, gain +3/+2 permanently. |
Treasure-Seeker Elise | 4 | All | 5 | 5 | After you Refresh 5 times, find the Golden Monkey! (5 left) | |
Trigore the Lasher | 4 | Beast | Beast | 9 | 3 | Whenever another friendly Beast takes damage, gain +2 Health permanently. |
Tunnel Blaster | 4 | All | 3 | 7 | Taunt. Deathrattle: Deal 3 damage to all minions. | |
Utility Drone | 4 | Mech | Mech | 4 | 4 | At the end of your turn, give your minions +2/+1 for each Magnetization they have. |
Wannabe Gargoyle | 4 | Dragon | Dragon | 9 | 1 | Reborn. This is Reborn with full Attack. |
Wildfire Elemental | 4 | Elemental | Elemental | 9 | 5 | After this attacks and kills a minion, deal excess damage to an adjacent minion. |
Zesty Shaker | 4 | Naga | Naga | 6 | 6 | Once per turn, when a Spellcraft spell is played on this, get a new copy of it. |
Amber Guardian | 5 | Dragon | Dragon | 7 | 7 | Start of Combat: Give another friendly Dragon +7/+7 and Divine Shield. |
Barrens Conjurer | 5 | All | 6 | 2 | Deathrattle: Get a random Battlecry minion. | |
Bongo Bopper | 5 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 4 | 3 | At the end of your turn, get 2 Blood Gems and play 2 more on this. |
Brann Bronzebeard | 5 | All | 2 | 4 | Your Battlecries trigger twice. | |
Catacomb Crasher | 5 | Undead | Undead | 5 | 10 | Whenever you would summon a minion that doesn't fit in your warband, give your minions +1/+1 permanently. |
Champion of the Primus | 5 | Undead | Undead | 2 | 9 | Avenge (3): Your Undead have +1 Attack for the rest of the game (wherever they are). |
Charging Czarina | 5 | Mech | Mech | 5 | 3 | Divine Shield. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give your minions with Divine Shield +2 Attack. |
Corrupted Myrmidon | 5 | Naga | Naga | 3 | 3 | Start of Combat: Double this minion's stats. |
Critter Wrangler | 5 | Naga | Naga | 3 | 5 | Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +2/+2. |
Cruise Controller | 5 | Pirate | Pirate | 7 | 3 | Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, after you summon a Pirate, give it +5 Attack. |
Daggerspine Thrasher | 5 | Naga | Naga | 4 | 8 | Whenever you cast a spell, gain Divine Shield, Windfury, or Venomous until next turn. |
Depraved Felfin | 5 | Demon | Demon | 4 | 3 | After you Discover a minion, gain the stats of the other options. |
Drakkari Enchanter | 5 | All | 1 | 5 | Your end of turn effects trigger twice. | |
Ensorcelled Fungus | 5 | All | 2 | 4 | Has +2/+2 for each Tavern spell you've cast this game (wherever this is). | |
Flourishing Frostling | 5 | Elemental | Elemental | 2 | 1 | Has +2/+1 for each Elemental you've played this game (wherever this is). |
General Drakkisath | 5 | Dragon | Dragon | 2 | 8 | Battlecry: Add a 2/1 Smolderwing to your hand that gives another Dragon +5 Attack. |
Glowscale | 5 | Naga | Naga | 4 | 6 | Taunt Spellcraft: Give a minion Divine Shield until next turn. |
Hot-Air Surveyor | 5 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 5 | 8 | Blood Gems played from your hand cast an extra time. |
Ice Fisher | 5 | Pirate | Pirate | 2 | 2 | After you buy a minion, gain stats equal to its Tier. |
Insatiable Ur'zul | 5 | Demon | Demon | 4 | 6 | Taunt. After you play a Demon, consume a minion in Bob's Tavern to gain its stats. |
Interrogator Whitemane | 5 | All | 8 | 5 | Start of Combat: Give an enemy minion from Tier 5 or higher Taunt. It takes double damage this combat. | |
Iridescent Skyblazer | 5 | Beast | Beast | 4 | 8 | Whenever a friendly Beast takes damage, give a friendly Beast other than it +1/+1 permanently. |
Kangor's Apprentice | 5 | Mech | 3 | 6 | Deathrattle: Summon your first 2 Mechs that died this combat. | |
King Bagurgle | 5 | Murloc | Murloc | 6 | 3 | Battlecry: Give your other Murlocs +3/+3. |
Leeroy the Reckless | 5 | All | 6 | 2 | Deathrattle: Destroy the minion that killed this. | |
Lightfang Enforcer | 5 | All | 8 | 6 | At the end of your turn, give a friendly minion of each type +4/+3. | |
Lucky Egg | 5 | All | 2 | 2 | Battlecry: Discover a Golden Tier 3 minion to transform into. | |
Man'ari Messenger | 5 | Demon | Demon | 8 | 5 | Battlecry: Minions in your team's Taverns have +1/+1 this game. |
Mirage Conjurer | 5 | Demon | Demon | 4 | 4 | Choose One – Double the Attack of all minions in the Tavern; or Double their Health. |
Moroes, Steward of Death | 5 | Undead | Undead | 4 | 2 | Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your Undead +2/+4. |
Moss of the Schloss | 5 | Elemental | Elemental | 3 | 4 | When another friendly Elemental dies, gain its maximum stats. (Once per combat.) |
Octosari, Wrap God | 5 | Beast | Beast | 8 | 8 | Deathrattle: Summon a 8/8 Tentacle. (It gains +2/+2 permanently after you summon a minion in combat!) |
Operatic Belcher | 5 | Murloc | Murloc | 5 | 2 | Venomous. Deathrattle: Give a friendly Murloc Venomous. |
Primalfin Lookout | 5 | Murloc | Murloc | 3 | 2 | Battlecry: If you control another Murloc, Discover a Murloc. |
Prime Mate | 5 | Beast | Beast | 3 | 9 | After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, gain 1 Gold next turn. |
Rapscallion Recruiter | 5 | Pirate | Pirate | 9 | 3 | Deathrattle: Summon 3 Scallywags. |
Record Smuggler | 5 | Pirate | Pirate | 6 | 6 | At the start of your turn, gain 2 Gold. If you control at least three Pirates, gain 2 more. |
Rodeo Performer | 5 | All | 3 | 4 | Battlecry: Discover a Tavern spell. | |
Scrap Scraper | 5 | Mech | Mech | 6 | 5 | Deathrattle: Get a random Magnetic Mech. |
Spellbound Seafarer | 5 | Pirate | Pirate | 4 | 6 | After you buy 3 cards, get a random Tavern spell. (3 left!) |
Spiked Savior | 5 | Beast | Beast | 8 | 2 | Taunt. Reborn. Deathrattle: Give your minions +1 Health and deal 1 damage to them. |
Support System | 5 | Mech | Mech | 4 | 5 | At the end of your turn, give a minion in your teammate's warband Divine Shield. |
Three Lil' Quilboar | 5 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 3 | 3 | Deathrattle: Play 3 Blood Gems on your Quilboar. |
Tichondrius | 5 | Demon | Demon | 3 | 3 | After your hero takes damage, give your Demons +1/+1. |
Titus Rivendare | 5 | All | 1 | 7 | Your Deathrattles trigger an extra time. | |
Tortollan Blue Shell | 5 | All | 4 | 7 | If you lost your last combat, this minion sells for 5 Gold. | |
Transmuted Bramblewitch | 5 | Elemental | Elemental | 4 | 4 | When this attacks, set the defender's stats to 3/3. (Once per combat). |
Well Wisher | 5 | All | 6 | 6 | Spellcraft: Pass a different non-Golden minion. | |
Yu'lon, Fortune Granter | 5 | Dragon | Dragon | 8 | 8 | Start of Combat: Make your lowest-Tier minion Golden (except Yu'lon, Fortune Granter). |
Admiral Eliza Goreblade | 6 | Pirate | Pirate | 6 | 7 | Whenever a friendly Pirate attacks, give your minions +3/+1. |
Archlich Kel'Thuzad | 6 | Undead | Undead | 10 | 8 | At the end of your turn, destroy the Undead to the left of this and resummon an exact copy. |
Arid Atrocity | 6 | All | All | 7 | 7 | Deathrattle: Summon a 7/7 Golem. Give it +7/+7 for each friendly minion type that died this combat. |
Bristlebach | 6 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 3 | 10 | Avenge (2): Play 2 Blood Gems on all your Quilboar. |
Charlga | 6 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 4 | 4 | At the end of your turn, play a Blood Gem on your other minions. |
Choral Mrrrglr | 6 | Murloc | Murloc | 6 | 6 | Start of Combat: Gain the stats of all the minions in your hand. |
Cultist S'thara | 6 | Demon | 12 | 3 | Stealth. Deathrattle: Summon your first Demon that died this combat with its maximum stats. | |
Elemental of Surprise | 6 | Elemental | Elemental | 8 | 8 | Divine Shield This minion can triple with any Elemental. |
Eternal Summoner | 6 | Undead | Undead | 8 | 1 | Reborn. Deathrattle: Summon 1 Eternal Knights. |
Famished Felbat | 6 | Demon | Demon | 8 | 5 | At the end of your turn, your Demons consume a minion in Bob's Tavern to gain its stats. |
Fleet Admiral Tethys | 6 | Pirate | Pirate | 5 | 6 | After you spend 9 Gold, get another random Pirate. (9 Gold left!) |
Foe Reaper 4000 | 6 | Mech | Mech | 6 | 9 | Also damages the minions next to whomever it attacks. |
Ghoul-acabra | 6 | Undead | Undead | 4 | 13 | After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, give your minions +2/+1 permanently. |
Goldrinn, the Great Wolf | 6 | Beast | Beast | 4 | 4 | Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +4/+4. |
Hoarding Hatespawn | 6 | Dragon | Dragon | 10 | 10 | Start of Combat: Steal 10/10 from the highest Health enemy minion. |
Indomitable Mount | 6 | Beast | Beast | 3 | 6 | Deathrattle: Summon a random Beast from Tier 3, 4, and 5. |
Kalecgos, Arcane Aspect | 6 | Dragon | Dragon | 4 | 12 | After you trigger a Battlecry, give your Dragons +1/+1. |
Mecha-Jaraxxus | 6 | Mech | Mech | 3 | 15 | Battlecry: Add a random Mecha-Demon to your hand. |
Mrglin' Burglar | 6 | Murloc | Murloc | 6 | 6 | After you play a Murloc, give a friendly minion and a minion in your hand +6/+6. |
Murky | 6 | Murloc | Murloc | 3 | 3 | Battlecry: Give a friendly Murloc +3/+3 for each one you control. |
Nalaa the Redeemer | 6 | All | 5 | 6 | Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give a friendly minion of each type +2/+2. | |
One-Amalgam Tour Group | 6 | All | All | 6 | 7 | Whenever you play a card, give friendly minions of its Tier or lower +1/+1. |
Orgozoa, the Tender | 6 | Naga | 3 | 7 | Spellcraft: Discover a Naga. | |
Pokey Thornmantle | 6 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 6 | 7 | At the start of your turn, your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game. |
Polarizing Beatboxer | 6 | Mech | Mech | 5 | 10 | Whenever you Magnetize another minion, it also Magnetizes to this. |
Rock Rock | 6 | Elemental | Elemental | 5 | 5 | After you play an Elemental, give your minions +2 Attack. (Swaps to Health next turn!) |
Sun Screener | 6 | All | 10 | 1 | Start of Combat: Give you and your opponent's 3 left-most minions Divine Shield. | |
Tidemistress Athissa | 6 | Naga | Naga | 6 | 8 | After you cast a spell, give four friendly Naga +1/+1. |
Warpwing | 6 | Dragon | Dragon | 12 | 4 | Immune while attacking. |
Whirling Lass-o-Matic | 6 | Mech | Mech | 7 | 4 | Divine Shield. Windfury. Whenever this attacks, get a random Tavern spell. |
Young Murk-Eye | 6 | Murloc | Murloc | 8 | 5 | At the end of your turn, adjacent minions trigger their Battlecries. |
Captain Sanders | 7 | Pirate | Pirate | 7 | 7 | Battlecry: Make a friendly minion Golden. |
Champion of Sargeras | 7 | Demon | Demon | 10 | 10 | Minions in the Tavern have +10/+10. |
Granite Guardian | 7 | Elemental | Elemental | 1 | 28 | Taunt. Whenever this is attacked, reduce the attacker's Health to 1. |
King Varian | 7 | All | 9 | 9 | When you sell this, Discover two tier 6 minions. | |
Moira Bronzebeard | 7 | All | 3 | 9 | Your Battlecries and Deathrattles trigger twice. | |
Obsidian Ravager | 7 | Dragon | Dragon | 7 | 7 | Whenever this attacks, deal damage equal to its Attack to the target and an adjacent minion. |
Papa Bear | 7 | Beast | Beast | 12 | 12 | Deathrattle: Summon 3 Mama Bears. |
Recurring Nightmare | 7 | Undead | Undead | 8 | 5 | Deathrattle: Give a different friendly Undead "Deathrattle: Summon a Recurring Nightmare." |
Sandy | 7 | All | 1 | 1 | Start of Combat: Transform into a copy of your teammate's highest Health minion. | |
Sanguine Champion | 7 | Quilboar | Quilboar | 18 | 3 | Battlecry and Deathrattle: Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game. |
Sea Witch Zar'jira | 7 | Naga | Naga | 4 | 5 | Spellcraft: Choose a different minion in the Tavern to get a copy of. |
The Boommobile | 7 | Mech | Mech | 12 | 12 | Magnetic, Reborn, Divine Shield, Taunt, Windfury |
Tide Oracle Morgl | 7 | Murloc | Murloc | 1 | 10 | Poisonous. When this attacks and kills a minion, give its maximum stats to a minion in your hand. |
Buddies | |||||
Name | Tier | Type | Attack | Health | Text |
Coilfang Elite | 1 | Naga | 3 | 2 | After a Spellcraft minion appears in Bob's Tavern, get a copy of its spell. |
Enhance-o Medico | 1 | Mech | 2 | 2 | Minions in Bob's Tavern with Taunt, Reborn, Windfury, or Divine Shield have +2/+2 for each. |
Flight Trainer | 1 | 2 | 2 | Your flightpaths trigger twice. | |
Lei Flamepaw | 1 | 2 | 4 | 'Power of the Storm' offers 3 options instead of 2. | |
Mawsworn Soulkeeper | 1 | Undead | 2 | 2 | Deathrattle: Summon 3 random Tier 1 minions. |
Pigeon Lord | 1 | 3 | 4 | Your Refreshes cost (0) while Bob's Tavern doesn't have the minion type of your Hero Power. | |
SI:7 Scout | 1 | 2 | 2 | After you buy a minion, gain +1/+1. | |
Apostle of Galakrond | 2 | 2 | 4 | Battlecry: Replace minions in Bob's Tavern with ones of a higher Tavern Tier. | |
Asher the Haberdasher | 2 | 2 | 2 | After you sell a minion, gain a +1/+1 hat that passes to a friendly minion when sold. | |
Baby Elekk | 2 | Beast | 2 | 2 | After you play a minion with Attack equal to its Health, gain +2/+2. |
Crazy Monkey | 2 | Beast | 4 | 4 | After you feed a minion a Banana, give it +1/+1. |
Dagwik Stickytoe | 2 | Pirate | 5 | 5 | At the end of your turn, give a random friendly Golden minion +5/+5. |
Eclipsion Illidari | 2 | 6 | 3 | Your first minion that attacks has "Immune while Attacking" for one attack only. | |
Jandice's Apprentice | 2 | 4 | 4 | After you swap minions, give them stats equal to your Tavern Tier. | |
Karl the Lost | 2 | 3 | 4 | After you use your Hero Power, give your Divine Shield minions +2 Attack. | |
Many Whelps | 2 | Dragon | 4 | 2 | Whenever you summon a Whelp, gain +2/+2 permanently. |
Nightmare Ectoplasm | 2 | 4 | 3 | When you 'Devour' this, spit its stats onto 2 extra minions. | |
Sous Chef | 2 | Murloc | 2 | 5 | You can use your Hero Power an extra time each turn. |
Spirit Raptor | 2 | 3 | 2 | After you call upon a new Element, this remembers it. Deathrattle: Call upon those Elements. | |
Sr. Tomb Diver | 2 | 5 | 1 | Taunt Deathrattle: Make your right-most minion Golden. | |
Tamuzo | 2 | Beast | 4 | 4 | Avenge (2): Upgrade 'Tentacular' by +1/+1. |
Tentacle of C'Thun | 2 | 3 | 3 | After a different friendly minion gains stats, gain +1/+1 until your next turn. | |
Veranus, Stormlord's Mount | 2 | Dragon | 5 | 2 | At the end of your turn, transform the minion to the left of this into one from a tier higher (up to Tier 7!) |
Watfin | 2 | Beast | 2 | 5 | After you guess correctly with 'Detective for Hire', get a plain copy of the minion. |
Akali, Rock Rhino | 3 | Beast | 3 | 3 | At the end of every 2 turns, get a plain copy of the left-most card in your hand. |
Arfus | 3 | Undead|Beast | 6 | 3 | After a friendly minion is Reborn, give it this minion's Attack. |
Bilgewater Mogul | 3 | 6 | 3 | Choose One - Give a minion +1 Attack for each Gold you've spent this turn; or +1 Health. | |
Brann's Epic Egg | 3 | 0 | 3 | Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon and get a random Battlecry minion. | |
Frostwolf Lieutenant | 3 | 7 | 4 | Avenge (2): Minions in Bob's Tavern have +1 Attack for the rest of the game. | |
Icesnarl the Mighty | 3 | Beast | 5 | 2 | After a friendly minion kills an enemy, gain +1 Health permanently. |
Jr. Navigator | 3 | 4 | 4 | Battlecry: Reduce the Cost of 'Lead Explorer' by (2). | |
Kil'rek | 3 | Demon | 3 | 6 | Taunt Deathrattle: Add a random Demon to your hand. |
Lil' K.T. | 3 | Undead | 5 | 4 | At the start of your turn, get a plain minion from your lowest Health opponent's warband. |
Living Nightmare | 3 | Undead | 6 | 4 | After you buy a minion, minions in Bob's Tavern have +2/+1 this turn. |
Loyal Henchman | 3 | 4 | 6 | After you kill a second minion each combat, get a plain copy of it. | |
Shadow Warden | 3 | 6 | 6 | Battlecry: Your next Hero Power makes the target Golden. | |
Shady Aristocrat | 3 | 3 | 3 | When you sell this, Discover a Quest. Complete it to get an 8-Gold Coin Pouch. | |
Sklibb, Demon Hunter | 3 | 4 | 4 | After you buy a card, your next Refresh costs (0). | |
Snack Vendor | 3 | 3 | 2 | At the end of your turn, give your Tier 3 minions +1/+2. | |
Solemn Serenader | 3 | Undead | 4 | 3 | After you use your Hero Power on a minion, it gains half this minion's Attack. (Swaps to Health next turn!) |
Sparkfin Soothsayer | 3 | Murloc | 4 | 3 | Battlecry: Transform minions in Bob's Tavern into Murlocs of the same Tavern Tier. |
Spirit of Air | 3 | Elemental | 6 | 4 | Deathrattle: Give a random friendly minion Windfury, Divine Shield, and Taunt. |
Stormpike Lieutenant | 3 | 4 | 7 | Avenge (2): Minions in Bob's Tavern have +1 Health for the rest of the game. | |
Street Magician | 3 | 3 | 5 | At the end of your turn, cast a random Secret. | |
Thawed Champion | 3 | 5 | 7 | At the end of your turn, add a random Frozen minion from Bob's Tavern to your hand. | |
Varden's Aquarrior | 3 | Elemental | 3 | 6 | 'Twice as Nice' also gives both minions stats equal to your Tavern Tier. |
Warden Thelwater | 3 | 2 | 4 | At the start of your turn, add your next opponent's Buddy to your hand. | |
Weebomination | 3 | 6 | 6 | Battlecry: Give a minion +1 Health for each Health your hero is missing. | |
Baby N'Zoth | 4 | 8 | 4 | Battlecry: Make a friendly Deathrattle minion Golden. | |
Baby Y'Shaarj | 4 | 6 | 6 | Whenever you summon a minion of your current Tavern Tier, give it +4/+4. | |
Barov's Apprentice | 4 | 5 | 4 | After you play a Coin, gain 1 Gold. | |
Burth | 4 | 5 | 6 | Whenever you Discover a minion, give it +4/+4 and upgrade this by +1/+1. | |
Captain Fairmount | 4 | 7 | 5 | Choose One - 'Conviction' gives an additional +2 Attack for the rest of the game; or +2 Health. | |
Chromie | 4 | 6 | 6 | Minions in Bob's Tavern have +1/+1 for each time it was Refreshed this turn. | |
Crabby | 4 | Beast | 2 | 3 | After your Hero Power fires, give adjacent minions stats equal to the damage dealt. |
Crimson Hand Centurion | 4 | 7 | 5 | After 'Verdant Spheres' triggers, give your hand and board +1/+1. | |
Elder Taggawag | 4 | 4 | 4 | Start of Combat: If you control 4 minions with different types, gain your minions' highest Attack and Health. | |
Elementium Squirrel Bomb | 4 | Mech | 4 | 4 | Deathrattle: Deal 2 damage to a random enemy minion for each of your Mechs that died this combat. |
Faceless One | 4 | 1 | 1 | When you sell this, get the Buddy of your teammate's Hero Power. | |
Festergut | 4 | Undead | 6 | 2 | Deathrattle: Summon a random Undead Creation. |
Halfus the Mighty | 4 | 5 | 5 | At the start of your turn, Discover a minion of your Tier. (50% chance to Pass it!) | |
Halfus the Wise | 4 | 5 | 5 | At the start of your turn, Discover a Tavern spell of your Tier. (50% chance to Pass it!) | |
Hunter of Old | 4 | 5 | 3 | At the start of your turn, add your last opponent's Buddy to your hand. | |
Lucifron | 4 | 6 | 5 | Your end of turn effects trigger an extra time. | |
Maxwell, Mighty Steed | 4 | Beast | 1 | 1 | When you sell this, get the Buddy of your Hero Power. |
Mishmash | 4 | All | 4 | 4 | Whenever your Amalgam gains stats, this gains them too. |
Monstrosity | 4 | 0 | 14 | After a friendly minion dies, gain its Attack. | |
Nexus Lord | 4 | 6 | 6 | 'Arcane Alteration' replaces with a card from one Tier higher. | |
Phyresz | 4 | Elemental | 3 | 3 | Battlecry: Discover a plain copy of a different minion that you have exactly one of. |
Reliquary Attendant | 4 | Elemental | 7 | 4 | Once per turn, after you cast a Tavern spell, get a new copy of it. |
Sinestra | 4 | Dragon | 2 | 6 | Whenever a friendly minion gains Attack during combat, give it +1 Health permanently. |
Snow Elemental | 4 | Elemental | 5 | 4 | Bob always offers an extra Frozen Elemental whenever the Tavern is Refreshed. |
Titanic Guardian | 4 | 5 | 2 | Whenever a different friendly minion gains Health, this gains it too. | |
Unearthed Underling | 4 | Undead | 5 | 5 | Whenever your hero takes damage, rewind it and gain stats equal to that amount. |
Valithria Dreamwalker | 4 | Dragon | 6 | 4 | Whenever a Dragon enters your warband or the Tavern, gain +1/+1. |
Waxadred, the Drippy | 4 | Elemental|Dragon | 7 | 5 | Battlecry: Refresh Bob's Tavern with the highest Tier minion from each opponent's warband. |
Acolyte of Yogg-Saron | 5 | Murloc | 6 | 4 | At the start of every turn, spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron. |
Baby Kodo | 5 | Beast | 3 | 6 | Battlecry: Refresh Bob's Tavern with a minion of each Tavern Tier. |
Clockwork Assistant | 5 | Mech | 3 | 3 | Battlecry: Discover a minion from a higher Tavern Tier. |
Dranosh Saurfang | 5 | 6 | 6 | After you buy a minion, gain its stats. | |
Evergreen Botani | 5 | 9 | 7 | At the end of your turn, add a random minion of your Tavern Tier to your hand. | |
Lantern Tender | 5 | 6 | 4 | At the end of your turn, get 2 'Lantern Lights' that give a minion stats equal to your Tier. | |
Magnus Manastorm | 5 | 4 | 4 | After you buy a minion, add one of the same Tavern Tier to Bob's Tavern. | |
Mister Chu | 5 | 5 | 6 | Once per turn, after you Pass a minion, get a plain copy of it (except Buddies). | |
Muckslinger | 5 | 5 | 5 | Battlecry: Get a random Battlecry minion. | |
Raging Contender | 5 | 5 | 4 | After you use 'Trash for Treasure', gain Gold equal to the removed minion's Tavern Tier. | |
Shadowy Construct | 5 | Undead | 5 | 5 | Deathrattle: Give this minion's maximum stats stats to another friendly minion. |
Sharkbait | 5 | Beast | 4 | 2 | Battlecry: Refresh your Hero Power. |
Shining Sailor | 5 | Pirate | 4 | 7 | After you buy 2 Pirates, gain +1/+1 and add a Pirate to the Tavern. |
Sub Scrubber | 5 | Mech | 6 | 6 | After you play a Mech, gain +2/+2. |
Submersible Chef | 5 | 4 | 3 | Battlecry: Add a random Tier 1, 3, and 5 minion to your hand. | |
Talent Scout | 5 | 4 | 4 | Battlecry: Make a Buddy Golden. | |
Ticket Collector | 5 | 6 | 6 | When you sell this, Discover a Darkmoon Prize from the next Tier. | |
Tuskarr Raider | 5 | Pirate | 4 | 4 | Battlecry: Give a minion +1/+1 for each Pirate you played this game. |
Vaelastrasz | 5 | Dragon | 6 | 6 | Battlecry and Start of Combat: Give your other minions +3/+3. |
Wandering Treant | 5 | 2 | 7 | Whenever a friendly Taunt minion is attacked, give your minions +1 Attack permanently. | |
Box Cars | 6 | Mech | 6 | 6 | At the start of your turn, roll a 6-sided die. Discover a Tavern spell of that Tier. |
Death's Head Sage | 6 | Undead|Quilboar | 3 | 7 | After you get a Blood Gem, get an extra one. |
Glorious Gloopling | 6 | 6 | 1 | At the start of your turn, get a plain copy of your teammate's highest-Tier minion (except Buddies). | |
Imperial Defender | 6 | Naga | 4 | 8 | Whenever you cast a Spellcraft spell on a different friendly minion, you also cast it on this. |
Master Gadrin | 6 | 7 | 6 | Minions targeted by 'Spirit Swap' also gain each other's Health. | |
Nathanos Blightcaller | 6 | Undead | 6 | 6 | Battlecry: Remove a friendly minion. Give its stats to its neighbors. |
Piloted Whirl-O-Tron | 6 | Mech | 6 | 4 | Start of Combat: Copy all other friendly minions' Deathrattles (except Piloted Whirl-o-Tron). |
The Nine Frogs | 6 | Beast | 9 | 9 | After you buy a minion, get a random Tavern spell from the same Tier. (9 left!) |
One anomaly is randomly choosen from the pool of active anomalies before the hero selection and will apply to all players for the remainder of the whole game. The anomaly called Secrets of Norgannon is five times as likely to be selected as any other anomalies. Which means with currently 57 different anomalies active any anomaly would have a chance of 1.75% to be active, but due to this special rule 'Secrets' has a 5/61 or 8.20% chance and any other anomaly a 1/61 or 1.64% chance to show up. Three new anomalies will be added to the pool every week and feature an increased appearance rate until the next release.
Depending on the anomaly, some heroes, minion types or even single minions can be banned. There is also a system in place to increase the chances of more complex anomalies for high MMR lobbies (~6000 or more).
Anomalies | |
Name | Text |
A Faire Reward | Instead of a minion, Triple Rewards Discover a Tier _ Darkmoon Prize. |
Anomalous Bribe | After you sell a minion, give its stats to a minion in the Tavern. |
Anomalous Evidence | At the start of your turn, choose from 2 new Quest Rewards. |
Anomalous Twin | Start of combat: Summon a copy of your highest-Health minion. |
Anomalous Wisdomball | Starting on Turn 6, you occasionally get helpful Refreshes! |
Anti-Gravity Stadium | Minions in the Tavern have their Attack and Health swapped. |
Audience's Choice | At the start of each turn, one player chooses a card of ANY Tier for ALL players to get at end of turn. |
Big League | Only Tavern Tiers 3, 4, 5, and 6 exist. Start with 10 extra Armor. |
Blessed or Blighted | Start of Combat: Give your left-most minion Divine Shield and your right-most minion Reborn. |
Blood of Sargeras | At the start of your turn, set your hero's Health to 12. |
Bring Home the Bacon | Start with two upgrading Piggy Banks. Break them open to gain Gold! |
Bring in the Buddies | Buddies are in the Tavern. |
Curse of Aggramar | Start at 5 Health and 5 Gold. Your hero can only take 1 damage at a time. |
Deep Blue Sooner | At the start of your turn, get 2 temporary 'Deep Blues'. They give a minion more stats each time. |
Denathrius' Anima Reserves | Quests and Rewards are in this game. All heroes are Sire Denathrius. |
Double Header | The first time you buy a minion each turn, get an extra copy of it. |
Echoes of Argus | Your Battlecries and Deathrattles trigger an extra time. |
Eleventh Hour | The first time your hero takes fatal damage, prevent it and gain 11 Gold next turn instead. |
Eonar's Overgrown Arena | At the start of your turn, give minions in the Tavern +1/+1 for the rest of the game. |
Everything's on Fire! | At the start of the game, take 25 damage. After another hero dies, regain 5 Health. |
False Idols | You only need 2 copies of a minion to make it Golden. Instead of a Triple Reward, get a Gold Coin. |
Feline Fortune | After another hero dies, Discover a minion from their warband. It keeps enchantments. |
Finicky Hourglass | Start at Tavern Tier 2. |
Fortitude of Khaz'goroth | At the end of your turn, set your left and right-most minions' Health to the higher of the two. |
Gladiator's Spoils | After you win a combat, Discover a minion of your Tier. Otherwise, get a random one of a Tier lower. |
Golganneth's Tempest | Minions cost 2 Gold. You cannot Refresh the Tavern. It Refreshes itself after you buy a minion. |
Grapnel of the Titans | The first minion you buy each turn is free. |
How to Even?? | Only Tavern Tiers 2, 4, and 6 exist. Triple rewards Discover a minion of your Tier. |
Little League | Only Tavern Tiers 1, 2, 3, and 4 exist. |
Match Fixing | Guess which player will win your next combat. If you're correct, get 3 Gold Coins. |
Might of Khaz'goroth | At the end of your turn, set your left and right-most minions' Attack to the higher of the two. |
Mimiron's Clockwork Stadium | You cannot upgrade the Tavern with Gold. It upgrades itself every 2 turns. (2 turns left!) |
Money Match | Start at 10 Gold. |
Nguyen's Shifting Disks | All heroes are Master Nguyen. |
No Face, No Case | Every 4 turns, Get a 'Faceless Manipulator' that copies a minion of your choice. |
No Place Like Holmes | Each turn, look at 2 minions. Guess which one your next opponent had last combat for a Coin. |
Oops, All _______! | Only minions of this type and Neutrals are in the Tavern. |
Overseer's Orb | After you upgrade the Tavern, Refresh it with minions of your most common type. |
Packed Stands | The Tavern always has 7 minions |
Path of the Treasure-Seeker | After you Refresh 5 times, find the Golden Monkey! (5 left!) |
Perfected Alchemy | Start with a 'Goldenizer' that makes a friendly minion Golden. |
Prudence of Amitus | Unspent Gold carries over to your next turn. If you saved at least 5, gain 1 extra. |
Reckless Enhancement | Minions in the Tavern each randomly gain Taunt, Windfury, Divine Shield, or Reborn. |
Secrets of Norgannon | Tavern Tier 7 exists. Start with 10 extra Armor. |
Shackles of the Primus | After each combat, remove your warband. At the start of your turn, triple your Gold. |
Summoning of Champions | At the start of the game, all players Discover a Tier 6 minion from the same choices. |
Tavern Special | All minion types are in the Tavern. It always has 7 minions. |
Temperance of Aman'Thul | Start at Tavern Tier 4. Gain 10 extra Gold on your first turn only. |
The Golden Arena | ALL minions are Golden, but you do not get Triple Rewards. |
The Keys to Victory | After you play a minion, give your other minions +1/+1 for each Keyword they share with it. |
The Yogg-iseum | At the start of each turn, spin the SAME Wheel of Yogg-Saron. |
Treasure Hoard | On Turn 6, Discover a Golden Tier 4 minion. (5 turns left!) |
Uncompensated Upset | Start at 1 Gold. Minions cost (1) but sell for (0). Upgrading the Tavern costs (2) less. |
Up-Prizing | After you upgrade the Tavern, Discover a Tier 1 Darkmoon Prize. (Improves in 3 turns!) |
Valuation Inflation | Tavern Tier 1 does not exist. Minions cost gold equal to their Tavern Tier. |
What Are the Odds? | Only Tavern Tiers 1, 3, and 5 exist. Triple rewards Discover a minion of your Tier. |
Wisdom of Ulduar | At the end of every 3 turns, set your right-most minion's stats to 15/15. (3 turns left!) |
One spell from your Tier or lower will be present in the Tavern on each refresh. The cost to buy them varies from 1 to 7 Gold. While some spells like Unmasked Identity can have a huge impact on the outcome of your next fight, cheaper ones like Tavern Coin or Careful Investment are a good alternative to rolling your last couple of Gold away, at the end of your Tavern phase.
There is also one specific spell for each minion type (for example Guzzle the Goop), which will only be available if the minion type is active for the given Battlegrounds game.
There a few spells exlusive to Duos mode (like Portal in a Bottle) which support the Pass mechanic. The appeareance rate of these spells is increased by 50%.
Spells | |
Name | Text |
Fortify | Give a minion +3 Health and Taunt. |
Pointy Arrow | Give a minion +4 Attack. |
Tavern Coin | Gain 1 Gold. |
Tavern Dish Banana | Give a minion +2/+2. |
Them Apples | Give minions in the Tavern +1/+2. |
Enchanted Lasso | Steal a random minion from Bob's Tavern. |
Recruit a Trainee | Get a random Tier 1 minion. |
Careful Investment | Gain 2 Gold next turn. |
Lantern Light | Give a minion stats equal to your Tier. |
Chef's Choice | Choose a minion. Get a different minion of the same type. |
Cry Foul | Get a plain copy of a random minion from your last opponent's warband. |
Leaf Through the Pages | Your next three Refreshes cost (0). |
Recruitment Program | Get a random minion of your teammate's most common minion type, then Pass it. |
Shiny Ring | Give your minions +1/+1. |
Hasty Excavation | Gain 1 Gold. This costs Health to buy instead of Gold. |
Strike Oil | Increase your maximum Gold by 1. |
Fleeting Vigor | Start of Combat: Give your minions +2/+1. |
Overconfidence | If you win your next combat, gain 3 Gold. If you tie, gain 1. |
Reckless Investment | Gain 3 Gold. Next turn, lose 2 Gold. |
Tricky Trousers | Give a minion +1/+2 and Taunt. If it already has Taunt, remove it. |
Catch! | Give your minions +2 Attack. (Upgrades by +2 Attack after this is Passed!) |
Robust Evolution | Choose a minion. Transform it into a random minion of a higher Tier. It keeps its stats. |
Staff of Enrichment | Minions in the Tavern have +1/+2 this game. |
Echoing Roar | Give a friendly minion "At the end of your turn, gain +2/+2." |
Natural Blessing | Choose a minion. Give all minions that share a type with it +2/+2. |
Planar Telescope | Discover a minion of your most common type. |
Boon of Beetles | When you have space in combat, summon a 10/10 Beetle with Taunt. |
Gem Confiscation | Play 2 Blood Gems on a friendly minion. It steals all Blood Gems from its neighbors. |
Ritual of Growth | Replace all cards in the Tavern with ones of a Tier higher. |
Spitescale Special | Get 3 random Spellcraft spells. |
Toxic Tumbleweed | Start of Combat: Summon a 1/1 Tumbling Assassin with Venomous. It attacks immediately. |
Brann's Blessing | Your Battlecries trigger twice until next turn. |
Contracted Corpse | Discover a Deathrattle minion. |
Defender's Rites | Give a friendly minion +8/+8 and Taunt. |
Hired Headhunter | Discover a Battlecry minion. |
Misplaced Tea Set | Give a friendly minion of each type +3/+3. |
Scavenge for Parts | At the end of your turn, get a random Magnetic minion. Lasts 3 turns. |
Titus' Tribute | Your Deathrattles trigger twice until next turn. |
Cloning Conch | Get a random Murloc and a copy of it. |
Guzzle the Goop | At the end of your turn, give your Dragons +4 Attack. Lasts 3 turns. |
Suspicious Stimulant | Choose a minion in the Tavern. Lock it in your hand for 1 turn and double its stats. |
Plunder Seeker | Steal a random card from the Tavern for each Pirate you control. |
Fluidity | Swap a friendly non-Golden minion with a random one in the Tavern. |
Butchering | Destroy a friendly Undead. Your Undead have extra Attack equal to its Tier this game. |
Portal in a Bottle | Pass a non-Golden minion. |
Armor Stash | Set your Armor to 5. |
Buddy Up | Discover a Buddy. |
Dreamer's Embrace | Trigger a friendly minion's Battlecry. |
Primal Staff | Your end of turn effects trigger twice this turn. |
Unmasked Identity | Discover a new Hero Power. |
Upper Hand | Start of Combat: Set a random enemy minion's Health to 1. |
Channel the Devourer | Remove a minion. Give its stats to a random friendly minion. |
Corrupted Cupcakes | Choose a friendly Demon. It consumes 3 random minions in the Tavern to gain their stats. |
Jaws of Fate | Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron. |
Golden Touch | Make a random minion in the Tavern Golden. |
Top of the Beanstalk | Discover a minion from Tavern Tier 6. |
Eyes of the Earth Mother | Choose a friendly minion from Tier 4 or below. Make it Golden. |
Lost Staff of Hamuul | Choose a minion. Refresh the Tavern with minions of that type. |
Perfect Vision | Set a minion's stats to 20/20. |
Saloon's Finest | Refresh the Tavern with Tavern spells. |
Azerite Empowerment | Give your minions +4/+4. |
Sacred Gift | Give a minion Divine Shield. |
Trinkets are special passive power-ups that you buy with Gold and use for the rest of the game. Trinkets are offered twice per game: on turns 6 and 9. Each offering, you will get 4 Trinkets to choose from, influenced by your hero, the minion types in the game, and your warband. In total, there are 56 Lesser Trinkets (turn 6) and 60 Greater Trinkets (turn 9). Some Trinkets have a Lesser and a Greater version, letting you diversify or double-up on your effects.
Trinkets | |
Name | Text |
Bob-blehead | The Tavern no longer offers cards from Tier 1 or Tier 2. |
Demonblood Gourd | Spellcraft: Choose a friendly minion. It consumes a random minion in the Tavern to gain its stats. |
Fishy Sticker | Start of Combat: Summon a Fish of N'Zoth that copies Deathrattles. |
Kodo Leather Pouch | After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +2/+1. |
Smuggler Portrait | Get a ‘Whelp Smuggler'. Your Whelp Smugglers are Dragons. |
Token of the Old Gods | Spellcraft: Transform a minion into one of a Tier higher. |
Booty Bay Brew | Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +1/+2. |
Darnassus Pie | Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1 for each minion you've sold this turn. |
Dragonwing Glider | Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +3 Attack. |
Goldenizer Supply | At the end of every 3 turns, get a Goldenizer. |
Great Boar Sticker | Your Blood Gems give an extra +3 Attack. |
Innkeeper's Stein | The Tavern offers an extra minion of a higher Tier whenever it is Refreshed. |
Ship in a Bottle | Start of Combat: Get and summon a random Pirate. It attacks immediately. |
Souvenir Stand | When you buy your Greater Trinket, this transforms into a copy of it. |
Alliance Keychain | The first time a friendly minion dies each combat, give its maximum stats to a random friendly minion. |
Artisanal Urn | Your Undead have +3 Attack. |
Azeroth Model Globe | At the start of every 2 turns, Discover a Tier 6 minion. |
Blingtron's Sunglasses | After you summon a Mech in combat, give a friendly Mech Divine Shield. |
Ceremonial Sword | Whenever a friendly minion attacks, give it +4 Attack. |
Colorful Compass | Get a random |
Feral Talisman | Your minions have +2/+1. |
Glowing Gauntlet | Minions in the Tavern have +3/+3. |
Goblin Wallet | At the end of each turn, increase your Maximum Gold by 1. |
Kaboom Bot Portrait | Get a ‘Kaboom Bot'. Your Kaboom Bots' Deathrattles deal 8 extra damage. |
Nerglish Phrasebook | After you play a minion, give the left-most minion in your hand +3/+3. |
Primordial Terrarium | After you play an Elemental, your next Tavern spell costs (1) less. |
Quilligraphy Set | Avenge (5): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1 Health this game. |
Replica Cathedral | Your first spell each turn casts twice. |
Rusty Trident | Start of Combat: Give your Naga, “Deathrattle: Get a random Spellcraft spell.” |
The Eye of Dalaran | Whenever a friendly minion with no type dies, get a random Tavern spell. |
Trip Vouchers | In 2 turns, choose a Greater Trinket to buy and replace this. |
Twin Sky Lanterns | When you have space, summon a copy of the first minion you summon each combat. |
Valorous Medallion | Start of Combat: Give your minions +2/+2. |
Hoggy Bank | Start of Combat: Give your Quilboar “Deathrattle: Get a Blood Gem”. |
Holy Mallet | Start of Combat: Give your left and right-most minions Divine Shield. |
Lucky Tabby | After 6 friendly minions die, get a random Beast. |
Nomi Sticker | After you play an Elemental, Elementals in the Tavern have +1/+1 this game. |
Rockin' Music Box | Get a random Battlecry minion. At the start of each turn get another. |
Staff of the Scourge | Avenge (5): Give a random friendly minion Reborn. |
Tiger Carving | Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, give a random friendly minion +2 Attack permanently. |
Windrunner Necklace | Your left-most minion in combat has +8 Attack in combat. |
Belcher Portrait | Get an ‘Operatic Belcher'. Whenever a friendly minion loses Venomous, it gains +5/+5 permanently. |
Book of Medivh | Discover a Tavern spell. At the start of each turn, Discover another. |
Charging Staff | At the end of each turn, give your minions with Divine Shield +4 Attack. |
Comfy Coffin | After you cast a Tavern spell, your Undead have +1 Attack this game (wherever they are). |
Felblood Portrait | Get a 'Slimy Felblood.' Your Fiery and Slimy Felbloods give Attack and Health. |
Lorewalker Scroll | Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +2/+2. |
Training Certificate | Start of Combat: Double the stats of your two lowest-Attack minions. |
Lava Lamp | After you sell 4 minions, get a random Elemental. |
Automaton Portrait | Get an ‘Ancestral Automaton'. Start of Combat: Summon an Ancestral Automaton. |
Dalaran Cheese Wheel | Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1. Upgrades every 3 times you Refresh. |
Eternal Portrait | Get an ‘Eternal Knight'. Start of Combat: Give your Eternal Knights Taunt and Reborn. |
Rewinder Portrait | Get a 'Soul Rewinder' and a 'Wrath Weaver'. Your Soul Rewinders also gain Attack. |
Yogg-Tastic Pastry | Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron. At the start of each turn, spin it again. |
Shaker Portrait | Get a ‘Zesty Shaker'. Your Zesty Shakers give an extra copy of the spell. |
Balladist Portrait | Get a ‘Lovesick Balladist'. At the start of each turn, get another. |
Bob's Tip Jar | Gain 3 Gold. Increase your maximum Gold by 3. |
Enforcer Portrait | Get a ‘Lightfang Enforcer'. Your Lightfang Enforcers have all minion types. |
Kodo Leather Pouch | After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +5/+5. |
Mug of the Sire | Whenever you would summon a minion that doesn't fit in your warband, give your minions +5 Attack. |
Bronzebeard Portrait | Get a ‘Brann Bronzebeard'. Your Brann Bronzebeards are both Murlocs and Dragons. |
Devourer Sticker | Get a ‘Channel the Devourer'. At the start of each turn, get another. |
Dragonwing Glider | Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +8 Attack. |
Fancy Spellbook | After you spend 7 Gold, get a random Tavern spell. |
Feral Talisman | Your minions have +6/+4. |
Shaman Prayer Beads | After you buy 2 Battlecry minions, get a random Battlecry minion. |
Artisanal Urn | Your Undead have +8 Attack. |
Azerite Portrait | Get a ‘Living Azerite'. Your Living Azerites also give stats to friendly Elementals. |
Bronze Timepiece | Start of Combat: Set each of your minions' Attack and Health to the higher of the two. |
Charging Staff | At the end of each turn, give your minions with Divine Shield +7 Attack. |
Colorful Compass | Get 2 random |
Essence of Dreams | Get a ‘Dreamer's Embrace'. At the start of each turn, get another. |
Glowing Gauntlet | Minions in the Tavern have +8/+8. |
Glowscale Portrait | Get a ‘Glowscale'. Your first Spellcraft enchantment each turn is permanent. |
Horde Keychain | Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +7/+5. |
Lorewalker Scroll | Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +5/+5. |
Nether Pendant | Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1. Upgrades every 4 times your hero takes damage. |
Nomi Sticker | After you play an Elemental, Elementals in the Tavern have +2/+2 this game. |
Peacebloom Candle | The first two Tavern spells you buy each turn are free. |
Reinforced Shield | Whenever you summon a minion, give it Divine Shield. (4 times per combat.) |
Tiger Carving | Whenever a friendly minion takes damage, give a random friendly minion +4 Attack permanently. |
Tinyfin Onesie | Start of Combat: Your left-most minion gains the stats of the highest Health minion in your hand. |
Blood Golem Sticker | Whenever a friendly Quilboar dies, summon a Golem with stats equal to its Blood Gems. (2 times per combat.) |
Booty Bay Brew | Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +3/+4. |
Conductor Portrait | Get a ‘Snarling Conductor'. Whenever you discard a card, play a Blood Gem on 5 friendly minions. |
Elementium Chest | Each combat, after 2 friendly Pirates attack, gain 1 Gold next turn. |
Gilnean Thorned Rose | Avenge (3): Give your minions +3/+3 permanently and deal 1 damage to them. |
Jar o' Gems | Each combat, after 2 friendly minions attack, play a Blood Gem on all your Quilboar. |
Jarred Frostling | Start of Combat: Give 2 friendly Elementals ‘Deathrattle: Summon a Flourishing Frostling'. |
Slamma Sticker | After you summon a Beast in combat, double its stats. |
Valorous Medallion | Start of Combat: Give your minions +6/+6. |
Belcher Portrait | Get an ‘Operatic Belcher'. Whenever a friendly minion loses Venomous, it gains +15/+15 permanently. |
Designer Eyepatch | You only need 2 copies of a Pirate to make it Golden. |
Fishy Sticker | Start of Combat: Summon a Golden Fish of N'Zoth that copies Deathrattles. |
Fridge Magnet | Get a random Magnetic minion. |
Ironforge Anvil | Start of Combat: Triple the stats of your minions with no type. |
Mechagon Adapter | After a friendly Mech loses Divine Shield, give it Divine Shield. (3 times per combat.) |
Nerglish Phrasebook | After you play a minion, give the left-most minion in your hand +6/+6. |
Spitescale Sushi Roll | Get a ‘Spitescale Special'. Your first two Spellcraft spells each turn cast twice. |
Windrunner Necklace | Your left-most minion in combat has +20 Attack in combat. |
Alliance Keychain | The first time a friendly minion dies each combat, give its maximum stats to 2 random friendly minions. |
Book of Medivh | Discover 2 Tavern spells. At the start of each turn, Discover 2 more. |
Exquisite Dishware | At the end of each turn, get a random minion of each different type you control. |
Rivendare Portrait | Get a 'Titus Rivendare'. Start of Combat: Double the Health of your Titus Rivendares. |
Twin Sky Lanterns | When you have space, summon 2 copies of the first minion you summon each combat. |
Boom Controller | When you have space, summon an exact copy of your first Mech that died each combat. |
Comfy Coffin | Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, your Undead have +2 Attack this game (wherever they are). |
Dalaran Cheese Wheel | Minions in the Tavern have +2/+2. Upgrades every 3 times you Refresh. |
Pagle's Fishing Rod | Get a random Tier 7 minion. At the start of each turn, get another. |
Butcher's Sickle | Get a ‘Butchering' and a random Undead with a Deathrattle. At the start of each turn, repeat this. |
Darnassus Pie | Minions in the Tavern have +2/+2 for each minion you've sold this turn. |
Emerald Dreamcatcher | Start of Combat: Set your Dragons' Attack to the highest in your warband. |
Great Boar Sticker | Your Blood Gems give an extra +4/+4. |
Quilligraphy Set | Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +2/+2 this game. |
Karazhan Chess Set | Start of Combat: Summon a copy of your 2 left-most minions. |
Felbat Portrait | Get a ‘Famished Felbat'. The Tavern always has 7 cards. |
Quests are offered at the beginning of turn 4 (6 gold). The quest texts utilize placeholders like {0} (for example in the text "Spend {0} Gold."), which are replaced by an actual numeric value based on the armor value of the hero you are playing (heroes with more base armor will receive easier to complete quests) and the minion types in the lobby. The baseline value for each quest is documented on the details page. Finishing a quest will provide you with the attached reward.
Quests | |
Name | Text |
Assemble a Lineup | Quest: Summon 17 minions. |
Burn the Evidence | Quest: Sell 9 minions. |
Crack the Case | Quest: Have friendly minions attack 12 times. |
Cry for Help | Quest: Play 4 Battlecry minions. |
Dust for Prints | Quest: Add 20 cards to your hand. |
Exhume the Bones | Quest: Trigger 7 friendly Deathrattles. |
Fill the Cauldron | Quest: Cast 9 spells. |
Find the Murder Weapon | Quest: Increase a friendly minion's stats 14 times. |
Follow the Money | Quest: Spend 33 Gold. |
Hire an Investigator | Quest: End your turn with unspent Gold 3 times. |
Invite the Guests | Quest: Buy 6 minions. |
Pressure the Authorities | Quest: Get your warband to 35 total Attack. |
Reenact the Murder | Quest: Have 19 friendly minions die. |
Round up the Suspects | Quest: Destroy 18 enemy minions. |
Sort It All Out | Quest: Order your minions from lowest to highest Attack for 4 combats. |
Track the Footprints | Quest: Have Bob's Tavern Refreshed 9 times. |
Unlikely Duo | Quest: Play 5 minions from [either of two randomly selected types]. |
Unmask the Culprit | Quest: Lose or tie 3 combats. |
Witness Protection | Quest: Have a friendly Taunt minion attacked 6 times. |
Rewards are permanent effects you get for completing your quest. They can be linked to any quest, but the quest completion difficulty (also known as baseline requirements) will be either increased or decreased, based on the general value of the reward.
Rewards | |
Name | Text |
Alter Ego | Even Tier minions in Bob's Tavern have +7/+7. (Swaps to Odd next turn!) |
Anima Bribe | After you sell a minion, give its stats to a minion in Bob's Tavern. |
Another Hidden Body | Discover a minion of your Tavern Tier. (Can be earned endlessly!) |
Beyond the Mirage | Tavern spells cost (1) less. |
Blood Goblet | At the end of your turn, give your right-most minion Attack equal to your missing Health. |
Bloodsoaked Tome | Minions in Bob's Tavern cost 2 Gold. |
Boom Squad | Avenge (3): Deal 10 damage to the highest Health enemy minion. |
Cooked Book | After you buy a minion, give it +1/+1 and upgrade this. |
Cycle of Energy | Avenge (4): Get a random Tavern spell. |
Devils in the Details | At the end of your turn, your left and right-most minions consume a minion in Bob's Tavern. |
Divine Armor | At the end of your turn, give the left-most minion in your hand +8/+8 and Divine Shield. |
Doppelganger's Locket | After each combat, Discover a non-Golden minion from your last opponent's warband. It keeps enchantments. |
Double-Headed Reward | The first time you buy a card each turn, get an extra copy of it. |
Endless Blood Moon | Your Blood Gems give an extra +2/+2. At the start of your turn, add two to your hand. |
Enhance-a-matic | At the start of your turn, get an Enhanced Part that gives +5/+5 and a random bonus. |
Essence of Zerus | At the end of your turn, get a 'Shifter Zerus' which transforms into random minions. |
Ethereal Evidence | At the start of every turn, choose from 2 new Rewards. |
Evil Twin | Start of Combat: Summon a copy of your highest-Health minion. |
Ghastly Mask | Add 'another card' to your hand. Your end of turn effects trigger an extra time. |
Gift of the Golden Kobold | After you Refresh 5 times, make the highest Tier minion in the Tavern Golden. |
Gilnean War Horn | Add [a specified "Battlecry" minion] to your hand. Your Battlecries trigger an extra time. |
Hidden Treasure Vault | At the start of your turn, gain 1 Gold. (Upgrades each turn!) |
Ice Sickle | Avenge (1): Give a minion in your hand +3 Attack. |
Invigorating Conch | When you buy a minion, give its stats to a random friendly minion. |
Kidnap Sack | Spellcraft: Choose a non-Golden minion. Add it to your hand. |
Map of the Unknown | After you play a minion of a type you don't control, give a friendly minion of each type +2/+1. |
Menagerie Mayhem | At the end of your turn, give your minions +1 Attack for each friendly minion type. |
Mirror Shield | After each Refresh, give a minion in Bob's Tavern +6/+6 and Divine Shield. |
Open Auditions | At the start of your turn, Discover a Buddy. |
Partner in Crime | Get your Golden Buddy. |
Pilfered Lamps | You only need 2 copies of a minion to make it Golden. |
Red Hand | At the start of your turn, give a minion in your hand +12/+12. |
Ritual Dagger | After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, give it +5/+5 permanently. |
Scepter of Guidance | Bob's Tavern always offers 2 [randomly selected type] when Refreshed. |
Secret Culprit | Get [a particular Tier 7 minion]. |
Secret Sinstone | After you Discover a card, get an extra copy of it. |
Sinfall Medallion | After you play a minion, give 2 other friendly minions of its Tavern Tier +4/+4. |
Snicker Snacks | At the end of your turn, 2 friendly minions trigger their Battlecries. |
Soul Pact | After you play a minion, give other minions of the same type +1/+1. |
Splitting Scroll | Whenever you buy a Tavern spell that costs (3) or more, get an extra copy of it. |
Stable Amalgamation | Avenge (7): When you have space, summon a 50/50 Amalgam. |
Staff of Origination | Start of Combat: Give your minions +12/+12. |
Stash of the Scribe | At the start of each turn, get 3 random Tavern spells. |
Stolen Gold | Start of Combat: Make your left and right-most minions Golden. |
Sturdy Shard | At the end of your turn, give your minions without Taunt +1/+2 for each Taunt minion you control. |
Teal Tiger Sapphire | Minions in Bob's Tavern have +1/+1 for each time it was Refreshed this turn. |
Temporal Tampering | Your Tavern spells cast twice. |
The Friends Along the Way | At the start of your turn, get 2 random [specified minion type]. |
The Golden Hammer | Spellcraft: Make a friendly minion Golden until next turn. |
The Smoking Gun | Your minions have +4 Attack. |
Theotar's Parasol | At the end of your turn, give your right-most minion Stealth until next turn and +8 Health. |
Timeline Acceleration | At the start of your turn, get two Accelerators that transform a minion into one from a Tavern Tier higher. |
Tiny Henchmen | At the end of your turn, give +3/+3 to 3 friendly minions of Tier 3 or lower. |
Transm-ogre-fication | At the end of your turn, set your lowest Health minion's stats equal to your highest Health minion's stats. |
Tumbling Disaster | Whenever you summon a minion in combat, give it +1/+1. Avenge (4): Upgrade this permanently. |
Turbulent Tombs | Add [a specified "Deathrattle" minion] to your hand. Your Deathrattles trigger an extra time. |
Victim's Specter | After each combat, get a plain copy of the last friendly minion that died. |
Volatile Venom | Your minions have +7/+7. After they attack, they die. Horribly. |
Wondrous Wisdomball | Occasionally gives helpful Refreshes. |
Yogg-tastic Tasties | At the start of your turn, spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron. |