
Coilfang Elite
Hero: Lady Vashj

Enhance-o Medico
Hero: Enhance-o Mechano

Flight Trainer
Hero: Galewing

Lei Flamepaw
Hero: Master Nguyen

Mawsworn Soulkeeper
Hero: The Jailer

Pigeon Lord
Hero: The Rat King

SI:7 Scout
Hero: Edwin VanCleef

Apostle of Galakrond
Hero: Galakrond

Asher the Haberdasher
Hero: Dancin' Deryl

Baby Elekk
Hero: Xyrella

Crazy Monkey
Hero: King Mukla

Dagwik Stickytoe
Hero: Captain Eudora

Eclipsion Illidari
Hero: Illidan Stormrage

Jandice's Apprentice
Hero: Jandice Barov

Karl the Lost
Hero: George the Fallen

Many Whelps
Hero: Onyxia

Nightmare Ectoplasm
Hero: Mutanus the Devourer

Sous Chef
Hero: Cookie the Cook

Spirit Raptor
Hero: Bru'kan

Sr. Tomb Diver
Hero: Reno Jackson

Hero: Ozumat

Tentacle of C'Thun
Hero: C'Thun

Veranus, Stormlord's Mount
Hero: Thorim, Stormlord

Hero: Murloc Holmes

Akali, Rock Rhino
Hero: Rock Master Voone

Hero: The Lich King

Bilgewater Mogul
Hero: Trade Prince Gallywix

Brann's Epic Egg
Hero: Dinotamer Brann

Frostwolf Lieutenant
Hero: Drek'Thar

Icesnarl the Mighty
Hero: Rokara

Jr. Navigator
Hero: Elise Starseeker

Hero: Lord Jaraxxus

Lil' K.T.
Hero: Mr. Bigglesworth

Living Nightmare
Hero: Kurtrus Ashfallen

Loyal Henchman
Hero: Arch-Villain Rafaam

Shadow Warden
Hero: Maiev Shadowsong

Shady Aristocrat
Hero: Sire Denathrius

Sklibb, Demon Hunter
Hero: Aranna Starseeker

Snack Vendor
Hero: A. F. Kay

Solemn Serenader
Hero: Inge, the Iron Hymn

Sparkfin Soothsayer
Hero: Fungalmancer Flurgl

Spirit of Air
Hero: Al'Akir

Stormpike Lieutenant
Hero: Vanndar Stormpike

Street Magician
Hero: The Great Akazamzarak

Thawed Champion
Hero: Sindragosa

Varden's Aquarrior
Hero: Varden Dawngrasp

Warden Thelwater
Hero: Scabbs Cutterbutter

Hero: Patchwerk

Baby N'Zoth
Hero: N'Zoth

Baby Y'Shaarj
Hero: Y'Shaarj

Barov's Apprentice
Hero: Lord Barov

Hero: Silas Darkmoon

Captain Fairmount
Hero: Cariel Roame

Hero: Nozdormu

Hero: Tavish Stormpike

Crimson Hand Centurion
Hero: Kael'thas Sunstrider

Elder Taggawag
Hero: Queen Wagtoggle

Elementium Squirrel Bomb
Hero: Millificent Manastorm

Faceless One
Hero: The Nameless One

Hero: Professor Putricide

Halfus the Mighty
Hero: Cho

Halfus the Wise
Hero: Gall

Hunter of Old
Hero: Tess Greymane

Hero: Ragnaros the Firelord

Maxwell, Mighty Steed
Hero: Sir Finley Mrrgglton

Hero: The Curator

Hero: Tamsin Roame

Nexus Lord
Hero: Malygos

Hero: Zephrys, the Great

Reliquary Attendant
Hero: Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher

Hero: Deathwing

Snow Elemental
Hero: Chenvaala

Titanic Guardian
Hero: Pyramad

Unearthed Underling
Hero: Lich Baz'hial

Valithria Dreamwalker
Hero: Ysera

Waxadred, the Drippy
Hero: Heistbaron Togwaggle

Acolyte of Yogg-Saron
Hero: Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

Baby Kodo
Hero: Guff Runetotem

Clockwork Assistant
Hero: Infinite Toki

Dranosh Saurfang
Hero: Overlord Saurfang

Evergreen Botani
Hero: Forest Warden Omu

Lantern Tender
Hero: Rakanishu

Magnus Manastorm
Hero: Millhouse Manastorm

Mister Chu
Hero: Madam Goya

Hero: Shudderwock

Raging Contender
Hero: Captain Hooktusk

Shadowy Construct
Hero: Teron Gorefiend

Hero: Skycap'n Kragg

Shining Sailor
Hero: Cap'n Hoggarr

Sub Scrubber
Hero: Ini Stormcoil

Submersible Chef
Hero: Ambassador Faelin

Talent Scout
Hero: E.T.C., Band Manager

Ticket Collector
Hero: Tickatus

Tuskarr Raider
Hero: Patches the Pirate

Hero: Alexstrasza

Wandering Treant
Hero: Greybough

Box Cars
Hero: Snake Eyes

Death's Head Sage
Hero: Death Speaker Blackthorn

Glorious Gloopling
Hero: Flobbidinous Floop

Imperial Defender
Hero: Queen Azshara

Master Gadrin
Hero: Vol'jin

Nathanos Blightcaller
Hero: Sylvanas Windrunner

Piloted Whirl-O-Tron
Hero: Sneed

The Nine Frogs
Hero: Doctor Holli'dae