BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

Standard Compositions: Dragons

These different compositions are meant to display proven setups to strive for, for the very end game (top 4 and above). In general one of the seven slots will be the 'flex' spot, used to cycle new minions during the tavern rounds. Therefore, your actual board will rarely be as perfect as these listed here. Of course as many minions as possible should be tripled (the exception being minions with Divine Shield or Venomous) and buffed with Reborn, Venomous, Divine Shield or Taunt.

If you got a build that buffs multiple minions via Rock Rock, Nalaa the Redeemer, or Mrglin' Burglar, the ideal cards you should be looking for should have a special effect such as Cleave or Divine Shield. Alternatively look for unique effects like Impulsive Trickster or Wildfire Elemental. But in general, just buff any card. Don't roll for the ideal, it can cost you the game to desperately try to find them. You want to scale early, not later.

Also primary support units like Brann and Drakkari Enchanter will usually be tossed for the very last fights, but are sometimes displayed here when being integral to the setup. If one of your units is lacking, it is also often beneficial to replace it with a Leeroy the Reckless or a Transmuted Bramblewitch, before a deciding fight.

All available Dragons and Dragon-associated minions

Dragons have two major mechanics this season. Battlecries as always, and Start of Combat effects. With cards like Persistent Poet, you want to try and make every dragon gain Divine Shield permanently from Amber Guardian.

Kalecgos Battlecry Comp

Kalecgos, Arcane AspectKalecgos, Arcane AspectHunter of GatherersHunter of GatherersBrann BronzebeardGeneral DrakkisathRylak Metalhead

After securing the key minions Kalecgos and Brann, focus on getting as many battlecries as you can. Rylak can also be replaced with Young Murk-Eye (when Murlocs are available).

Other important cards: Hired Headhunter and Dreamer's Embrace will help your build.

Goldenizer, Bob-blehead, Dragonwing Glider, Rockin' Music Box, Smuggler Portrait, Tiger Carving, Bronzebeard Portrait, Shaman Prayer Beads, Essence of Dreams, Alliance Keychain, and Emerald Dreamcatcher are ideal trinkets.

Persistent Buff Comp

WarpwingPersistent PoetPersistent PoetPrized Promo-DrakePrized Promo-DrakeAmber GuardianRoaring Rallier

Tarecgosa also can be used but isn't completely necessary. Once Amber Guardian permanently gives minions Divine Shield, you can start replacing it with other cards. Persistent Poet is not a card I would want to triple either. You want to make sure you can give as many minions as possible the permanent stats. Lastly, it's never bad to have more than one Nightbane, so go for that if you're done with Amber Guardian or want to replace Roaring Rallier. This might feel extremely slow due to Promo Drake, Rallier and Amber Guardian being your only form of scaling.

Valorous Medallion, Charging Staff, Holy Mallet, Training Certificate, Alliance Keychain, Bronze Timepiece, are ideal trinkets.

These compositions are brought to you by high-MMR player and BG coach Mewwy. Check out his YouTube channel and maybe buy him a coffee if you like this information (Last updated: 26.08.2024).