BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

30 Health icon

12 Armor icon

15 Armor icon for high MMR
10 Armor icon

Arch-Villain Rafaam (Rafaam)

Arch-Villain Rafaam (Rafaam)

The picture of Arch-Villain Rafaam
Next combat, add a plain copy of the first minion you kill to your hand.
Buddy: Loyal Henchman
Add your strategy or tips:
When playing as Rafaam, you should buy a minion and Hero Power on turn two instead of upgrading your Tavern. You may even want to delay your first Tavern upgrade all the way to turn four and follow it up with rapid upgrades on the following turns. Keep an eye on your opponent though! A.F.Kay and Ambassador Faelin have no minions on turn two, so you cannot steal anything, and some powerful early-game Heroes may have too much power on the board for you to kill anything, in which case you also do not get a free minion.
by Bob
If you have activated your hero power, but you do not kill a minion in combat (due to the enemy not having any, for example) you will still get a compensation Gold coin.
by Bob