This page is providing curated and condensed Hearthstone Battlegrounds data in different data collections and file types.
Feel free to use this as a starting point for your own projects and content creation (code examples below).
These datasets have several advantages over the data available from the Blizzard API or the Hearthstone JSON files:
For example nameShort attaches the short name the community uses to reference the entity (e.g. 'Eliza' instead of 'Admiral Eliza Goreblade'), pictureSmall references a webp version up to ten times smaller than the original image, while websites includes an array of links to the entity representation on the biggest HS community hubs.
For minions, abilities includes an array of boolean key/value pairs, indicating keywords like Battlecry or Taunt, and for heroes the armor values for low and high MMR as well as the picturePortrait are part of the data collection.
At least every 4 hours fresh files will be generated from the database. Official updates and hotfixes will be integrated as soon as possible.
If you have any suggestion for additional properties that could/should be implemented, just drop me a message.
JSON format (active only) | |||
Active Battlegrounds Entities | |||
Active Heroes | Active Minions | Active Spells |
JSON format (all) | |||||||
All Battlegrounds Entities | |||||||
All Heroes | All Minions | All Spells | All Buddies | All Quests | All Rewards | All Anomalies | All Trinkets |
CSV format (active only) | ||
Active Heroes | Active Minions | Active Spells |
CSV format (all) | |||||||
All Heroes | All Minions | All Spells | All Buddies | All Quests | All Rewards | All Anomalies | All Trinkets |
Latest Changes:
- 04.02.2025 - Added BG changes from the 31.2.4 patch notes.
- 18.12.2024 - Added BG changes from the 31.2.2 patch notes.
- 05.12.2024 - Added BG changes from the 31.2.0 patch notes.
- 21.11.2024 - Added BG changes from the 31.0.3 patch notes.
- 03.11.2024 - Added BG changes from the 31.0.1 patch notes.
- 24.10.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.6.3 patch notes.
- 20.10.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.6.2 patch notes.
- 17.10.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.6.1 patch notes.
- 10.10.2024 - Added all new trinkets, minions and updates from the 30.6.0 patch notes.
- 27.09.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.4.3 patch notes.
- 15.09.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.4.1 patch notes.
- 09.09.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.4.0 patch notes.
- 05.09.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.2.3 patch notes.
- 29.08.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.2.2 patch notes.
- 23.08.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.2.1 patch notes.
- 20.08.2024 - Added all new minions and updates from the 30.2.0 patch notes.
- 20.08.2024 - Added trinkets as a new BG entity and inserted all 116 trinkets from the 30.2.0 patch notes
- 09.08.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.0.3 patch notes.
- 23.07.2024 - Added BG changes from the 30.0.1 patch notes.
- 27.06.2024 - Added BG changes from the 29.6.2 patch notes.
- 21.06.2024 - Added BG armor changes from the 29.6.1 patch notes.
- 18.06.2024 - Added flag isDuosOnly to the buddy dataset.
- 17.06.2024 - Added BG changes from the 29.6.0 patch notes (or rather the patch preview).
- 24.05.2024 - Added BG changes from the 29.4.2 patch notes.
- 17.05.2024 - Added BG changes from the 29.4.1 patch notes.
- 17.05.2024 - Updated all "websites -> fandom" properties to "websites -> wiki" and updated the base link to the new HS Wiki
- 06.05.2024 - Added "notes" property to the hero dataset. Official notes from Blizzard, like "Illidan Stormrage is banned from Dragons games across all Battlegrounds", will be listed here for the time being, separated by semicolons.
- 03.05.2024 - Added BG changes from the 29.2.3 patch notes. Added "armorDuos" property to the hero dataset.
- 25.04.2024 - Added BG changes from the 29.2.2 patch notes.
- 22.04.2024 - Added BG armor changes from the 29.2.1 patch notes.
- 16.04.2024 - Added new heroes, minions, spells and BG changes from the 29.2.0 patch notes.
- 15.04.2024 - Added flag isDuosOnly to the hero, minion and spell datasets.
- 28.03.2024 - Added BG changes from the 29.0.3 patch notes.
- 22.03.2024 - Added BG armor changes from the 29.0.2 patch notes.
- 11.03.2024 - Added BG changes from the 29.0.0 patch notes.
- 29.02.2024 - Added BG changes from the 28.6.3 patch notes.
- 22.02.2024 - Added BG changes from the 28.6.2 patch notes.
- 17.02.2024 - Added BG changes from the 28.6.1 patch notes.
- 14.02.2024 - Added new minions, new spells and BG changes from the 28.6.0 patch notes.
- 29.01.2024 - Added BG changes from the 28.4.1 patch notes.
- 19.12.2023 - Added BG changes from the 28.2.3 patch notes.
- 12.12.2023 - Added BG armor changes from the 28.2.2 patch notes.
- 05.12.2023 - Added all new minions and updates from the 28.2.0 patch notes.
- 05.12.2023 - Added spells as a new BG entity and inserted all 42 spells from the 28.2.0 patch notes.
- 28.11.2023 - Added BG changes from the 28.0.3 patch notes.
- 26.10.2023 - Added BG changes from the 27.6.2 patch notes.
- 18.10.2023 - Added BG changes from the 27.6.0 patch notes.
- 28.09.2023 - Added BG changes from the 27.4.2 patch notes.
- 19.09.2023 - Added BG changes from the 27.4.0 patch notes.
- 07.09.2023 - Added BG changes from the 27.2.3 patch notes.
- 30.08.2023 - Added BG changes from the 27.2.2 patch notes.
- 25.08.2023 - Added BG and armor changes from the 27.2.1 patch notes.
- 22.08.2023 - Added all BG changes from the 27.2.0 patch notes.
- 18.08.2023 - Added the first 20 anomalies and all new minions from the 27.2.0 patch notes (isActive = false, until patchday).
- 04.08.2023 - Added armor changes from the 27.0.2 patch notes.
- 29.07.2023 - Added BG changes from the 27.0.1 patch notes.
- 25.07.2023 - Added BG changes from the 27.0.0 patch notes.
- 11.07.2023 - Added and updated quests and rewards from the 26.6.3 patch notes.
- 07.07.2023 - Added BG changes from the 26.6.2 patch notes.
- 28.06.2023 - Added BG changes from the 26.6.0 patch notes.
- 15.06.2023 - Added BG changes from the 26.4.3 patch notes.
- 12.06.2023 - Added armor changes from the 26.4.2 patch notes.
- 30.05.2023 - Added BG changes from the 26.4.0 patch notes.
- 25.05.2023 - Added armor changes from the 26.2.3 patch notes.
- 19.05.2023 - Added BG changes from the 26.2.2 patch notes.
- 12.05.2023 - Added BG changes from the 26.2.1 patch notes.
- 09.05.2023 - Added BG changes from the 26.2.0 patch notes.
- 09.05.2023 - Added hasVenomous and hasMagnetic to the minion dataset.
- 27.04.2023 - Added BG changes from the 26.0.4 patch notes.
- 20.04.2023 - Added armor changes from the 26.0.3 patch notes.
- 14.04.2023 - Added BG changes from the 26.0.2 patch notes.
- 09.04.2023 - Added buddy/hero relation as "buddy" property to the heroes JSON/CSV and "hero" property to the buddies JSON/CSV.
- 04.04.2023 - Added BG changes from the 26.0.0 patch notes.
- 29.03.2023 - Added armor changes from the 25.6.3 patch notes.
- 23.03.2023 - Added BG changes from the 25.6.2 patch notes.
- 18.03.2023 - Added armor changes from the 25.6.1 patch notes.
- 17.03.2023 - Added "armor" and "armorHighMMR" properties to, and removed "armorTier" property from the hero dataset.
- 15.03.2023 - Added BG changes from the 25.6.0 patch notes.
- 02.03.2023 - Added BG changes from the 25.4.3 patch notes.
- 17.02.2023 - Added armor changes from the 25.4.1 patch notes.
- 13.02.2023 - Added BG changes from the 25.4.0 patch notes.
- 03.02.2023 - Added "types" and "pools" properties to the JSON format in order to support dual type minions.
- 26.01.2023 - Added BG changes from the 25.2.2 patch notes.
- 22.01.2023 - Added BG changes from the 25.2.1 patch notes.
- 18.01.2023 - Temporarily deactivated Scabbs, Tess, Tamsin, Illidan and the minion Murozond (will be bugfixed by Blizzard).
- 18.01.2023 - Added dual minion types/pool (Type2 and Pool2 for CSV format).
- 17.01.2023 - Added BG changes from the 25.2.0 patch notes.
- 15.01.2023 - Added new hero and new minions of the upcoming BG season 3 release (isActive = false, until patchday).
- 19.12.2022 - Added BG changes from the 25.0.4 patch notes.
- 29.11.2022 - Added BG changes from the 25.0.0 patch notes.
- 19.11.2022 - Added quest and reward datasets (finally).
- 14.11.2022 - Added pictureWhole to the hero dataset (a link to the complete hero picture, without cropping of the borders).
- 11.11.2022 - Added BG changes from the 24.6.2 patch notes.
- 03.11.2022 - Added BG changes from the 24.6.0 patch notes.
- 14.10.2022 - Added BG changes from the 24.4.3 patch notes.
- 15.09.2022 - Added BG changes from the 24.2.3 patch notes.
- 09.09.2022 - Added BG changes from the 24.2.2 patch notes.
- 03.09.2022 - Added BG hotfix changes (armor tier adjustments)
- 30.08.2022 - Added BG changes from the 24.2.0 patch notes.
- 16.08.2022 - Added BG changes from the 24.0.3 patch notes.
- 26.07.2022 - Added BG changes from the 24.0.0 patch notes.
- 21.07.2022 - Added pool (i.e. "Naga" for "Queen Azshara") to the hero dataset.
- 30.06.2022 - Added BG changes from the 23.6.1 patch notes.
- 27.06.2022 - Added BG changes from the 23.6.0 patch notes.
- 16.06.2022 - Added BG changes from the 23.4.3 patch notes.
- 06.06.2022 - Added picturePortrait to the hero dataset.
- 01.06.2022 - Added BG changes from the 23.4.0 patch notes.
- 26.05.2022 - Added BG hotfix changes (Warden of Old in, Stormscale Siren out)
- 19.05.2022 - Added BG changes from the 23.2.2 patch notes.
- 15.05.2022 - Renamed/added pictureSmall property to all datasets (converted all images to 80% webp format).
- 10.05.2022 - Added BG changes from the 23.2.0 patch notes.
- 09.05.2022 - Added new hero and all new minions of the upcoming patch (isActive = false, until patchday).
- 08.05.2022 - Changed blizzardId property name to id for all datasets.
- 06.05.2022 - Updated the hearthpwn website links (correct IDs now) for the buddies json dataset.
- 06.05.2022 - Updated the playhearthstone and hearthpwn website links (correct IDs now) for the heroes json dataset.
- 03.05.2022 - Updated the playhearthstone and hearthpwn website links (correct IDs now) for the minion json dataset.
- 02.05.2022 - Added nameShort property (i.e. "Faelin" for "Ambassador Faelin") to the hero datasets.
- 02.05.2022 - Added summonId property (i.e. "CFM_315t" for Alleycat) to the minion datasets (1:1 relation to non-random tokens).
- 26.04.2022 - Added BG changes from the 23.0.3 patch notes.
- 24.04.2022 - Fixed the Hp-Blizzard-IDs for the newer heroes (a 'p' was missing at the end).
- 22.04.2022 - Added the blizzardId as a separate property to the heroes/buddies/minions datasets.
- 21.04.2022 - Switched the picture links for minions/buddies/heropowers to the correct BG images (whoopsie!).
- 20.04.2022 - Fixed the Blizzard-IDs for Selfless, Spawn and Felfin Navigator.
- 18.04.2022 - Added nameShort property (i.e. "Baron" for "Baron Rivendare") to the minion datasets.
Code Example (PHP):
// read the file and convert
$tempMinions = json_decode(file_get_contents(''));
// build final array
foreach ($tempMinions->data as $key => $object) {
// only get non-token tier1 minions (optional)
if ($object->tier === 1 && $object->isToken === false) {
$minions[] = $object;
// check the result
Code Example (Python via URL with requests module):
import requests, json
# read the file and convert
response = requests.get('').text
tempMinions = json.loads(response)['data']
# build final array
minions = []
for minion in tempMinions:
# only get non-token tier1 minions (optional)
if minion['tier'] == 1 and minion['isToken'] == False:
# check the result
print(json.dumps(minions, indent=4))
Code Example (JS via URL):
async function readJSON() {
const requestURL = '';
const request = new Request(requestURL);
const response = await fetch(request);
const minions = await response.json();
// check the result
// usage
let minions = readJSON();
Code Example (JS via local file):
function readTextFile(file, callback) {
let rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest();
rawFile.overrideMimeType("application/json");'GET', file, true);
rawFile.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (rawFile.readyState === 4 && rawFile.status === 200) {
// usage
readTextFile('bg_minions_all.json', function(text) {
let minions = JSON.parse(;
// check the result