BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

Standard Compositions: Undeads

These different compositions are meant to display proven setups to strive for, for the very end game (top 4 and above). In general one of the seven slots will be the 'flex' spot, used to cycle new minions during the tavern rounds. Therefore, your actual board will rarely be as perfect as these listed here. Of course as many minions as possible should be tripled (the exception being minions with Divine Shield or Venomous) and buffed with Reborn, Venomous, Divine Shield or Taunt.

If you got a build that buffs multiple minions via Rock Rock, Nalaa the Redeemer, or Greymane's Champion, the ideal cards you should be looking for should have a special effect such as Cleave or Divine Shield. Alternatively look for unique effects like Impulsive Trickster or Wildfire Elemental. But in general, just buff any card. Don't roll for the ideal, it can cost you the game to desperately try to find them. You want to scale early, not later.

Also primary support units like Brann and Tichondrius will usually be tossed for the very last fights, but are sometimes displayed here when being integral to the setup. If one of your units is lacking, it is also often beneficial to replace it with a Leeroy the Reckless or a Transmuted Bramblewitch, before a deciding fight.

With the buddy meta active also keep in mind that many buddies can be very powerful and therefore your buddy will often replace the weakest minion in your composition.

All available Undeads and Undead-associated minions

Undead shine with many Reborn and Deathrattle effects, usually providing you more minions than your opponents. They are able to buff the attack of every Undead permanently and the minion Disguised Graverobber provides a unique way to alter and buff your warband. Prime Mate also helps in almost all of the builds.

Deathrattle Knight Comp

Anub'arak, Nerubian KingHandless ForsakenHandless ForsakenEternal SummonerEternal SummonerSister DeathwhisperTitus Rivendare

Ideally, you want to have Reborn already on Anub'arak through the use of Mummifier triggered by Disguised Graverobber. Sister Deathwhisper is in here to make sure your minions have enough health to not die from indirect damage. Afterward, you can replace it with Mummifier, Champion of Primus, or Ghoul-acabra.

Deathrattle Moroes Comp

Moroes, Steward of DeathArchlich Kel'ThuzadMummifierEternal SummonerEternal SummonerTitus RivendareGhoul-acabra

This build is about generating as many golden Moroes as possible via Kel'Thuzad, which is why you will usually end your turn with only 6 minions on the board. In contrast to the other Undead builds this one does not depend on Eternal Summoner or playing early Eternal Knights, but can be started with those two key cards only and any other Undead minions available. Taunt the Moroes. Alternatively, you can replace Moroes with Nightbane to gain a lot of attack instead of health.

Deathrattle Comp

MummifierHandless ForsakenHandless ForsakenEternal SummonerEternal SummonerChampion of the PrimusGhoul-acabra

Be sure to taunt Mummifier. This is a build you want to complete as soon as possible as you have cards like Eternal Summoner and Champion of the Primus that can only scale during combat. You are not going to do that well if you build this in the late game.

Exodia Deathrattle Comp

Tunnel BlasterPhaerix, Wrath of the SunAnub'arak, Nerubian KingAnub'arak, Nerubian KingEternal SummonerEternal SummonerTitus Rivendare

Blaster and Titus are the cornerstones of this build. Don't buff the health of your minions too much, so that Blaster will always kill them.

These compositions are brought to you by high-MMR player and BG coach Mewwy. Check out his YouTube channel and maybe buy him a coffee if you like this information (Last updated: 18.06.2024).