BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”


“Seven fresh opponents. Are you ready?”

The game of Hearthstone Battlegrounds is a fascinating one... From the hero selection, the minion type bans, the matchup lottery, and the tavern rolls all the way to the random attacks, every game of Battlegrounds is a different beast of odds, which all of us players aim to tame. The ebbs and flows of randomness strike us again and again, and yet we can do nothing but return, always hoping to get kissed by lady luck again.

While playing and watching streams, I picked up many small tidbits of information that improved me as a player. But with over 95 heroes, over 200 minions, and the next game always around the corner, this strategic insight was kind of fleeting. I wanted a place to store and find this knowledge quickly, and a Google Doc was just not good enough anymore. Therefore, I created this website to be a hub of knowledge and know-how.

If you happen to be totally new to Battlegrounds, I suggest reading about the basics in this excellent introduction article on Hearthstone Wiki as well as our basic definitions, first. But if you are looking for strategies or are already experienced enough to provide your own input about the know-how of any hero or minion, head over to the strategy section to read, vote, or contribute.

I hacked this website together during my latest vacation. Therefore, it is pretty basic, not very mobile-friendly, and there will be bugs, of course. But I wanted to get it out there and provide the community with some tools that were missing up until now. Over time, many enhancements will be implemented, but rest assured that all the data you enter today will still be here tomorrow.

If you want to engage in a discussion about this site, how to improve it (it is open source after all), additional features, and stuff like that, consider checking out the discussion board on GitHub or join the Competitive Battleground Discord server via

One of the key features of this website is the provisioning of data, defining the different Battleground entities (heroes, minions, buddies), and their properties in JSON/CSV format. You can find these files and basic examples of implementation under the BGJSON link. Feel free to use this for any content you'd like to produce. If you do stumble upon a bug, please be so kind as to submit a bug report on GitHub.

This project was inspired by MTGJSON and supported by data and images provided by HearthstoneJSON and the Hearthstone Wiki. Also, a special shout-out to Rdu and XQN, whose streams are always inspiring and informative.

“Have a good battle, friend!”
- Oliver aka blade on BNet/Discord