BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

30 Health icon

10 Armor icon
7 Armor icon

Ambassador Faelin (Faelin)

Ambassador Faelin (Faelin)

The picture of Ambassador Faelin
Passive. Skip your first turn. Discover a Tier 2, 4, and 6 minion to get at those Tiers.
Buddy: Submersible Chef
Add your strategy or tips:
The discovered minions will be eligible for effects that buff minions in your hand (like Scourfin, for example).
by Bob
The discovered minions will take up card slots in your hand until you are able to play them, after reaching the Tier. This can sometimes block other cards like gems from entering your hand at all.
by Bob
znaci on ti je dobar znas on na pocetku partije otkrije tier cek da proverim koji..E 2 4 i 6 i to je skroz okej jer mozes da resis partiju na pocetku jelda? E JOS onda imas i svog drugara iliti buddy na njihovom engleskom, on ti vidis otkriva minione (ne znam kako na srpskom) 1, 3 i 5 i onda to nije lose sa onim jao cek kako se zove da da onaj sto jede mesec onaj kao nesto nepar minioni zaboravio sam jebes ga, i onda to nije lose sa tim jebiga snadji se ajde sta citas gluposti ovde teraj se u kurac
by Bob
Test entry.
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by blade