BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

30 Health icon

19 Armor icon
16 Armor icon

Jandice Barov (Jandice)

Jandice Barov (Jandice)

The picture of Jandice Barov
Swap a friendly non-golden minion with a random one in Bob's Tavern.
Buddy: Jandice's Apprentice
Add your strategy or tips:
You can reuse your battle cries with hero power.

Have sometimes usefull elem synergies with Nomi. Swapped weak elem will have buffed stats in shop.

Can work amazingly well with kittens. Place kittens swap in tavern, buy again for triple.
by Bob
Jandice can currently swap a giga-statted minion from her board, and with Shellemental can exponentially increase those stats as long as you keep your minions from goldening.
by Bob