BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

30 Health icon

10 Armor icon
7 Armor icon

Trade Prince Gallywix (Gallywix)

Trade Prince Gallywix (Gallywix)

The picture of Trade Prince Gallywix
Passive After you sell a minion, get 1 extra Gold next turn. (Can exceed 10.)
Buddy: Bilgewater Mogul
Add your strategy or tips:
Very strong with Elementals, Pirates and Murlocs in the lobby. Always pick if at least two out of three are offered.
by Bob
Gallywix is much easier to play when you are offered a win condition such as Nomi, Brann (in a Murloc lobby for instance) or Theo.

These key cards are much easier to find through discoveries rather than rolling on their designated tavern tiers, so i recommend staying on tier 4 or 5 for at least a turn to look for triples and buy cards that give you tempo until you can start an actual composition.
by Bob