BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

30 Health icon

10 Armor icon
7 Armor icon

Silas Darkmoon (Silas)

Silas Darkmoon (Silas)

The picture of Silas Darkmoon
Passive. Darkmoon Tickets are in the Tavern! Get 3 to Discover a minion from your Tavern Tier.
Buddy: Burth
Add your strategy or tips:
The minion Peggy Brittlebone is especially great for this hero, as every minion discovered with your HP will trigger it twice for free.
by Bob
Consider 3 on 3, especially if you find an early coin and minion with a tavern ticket. It's an almost guaranteed discover on 3.
by Bob
"Darkmoon Tickets are in the Tavern!" means that each minion in the tavern has a chance to show up with a special animation. If you buy one such minion you will advance the counter of your hero power. The spawns are totally random and it is possible to get taverns with 0 Tickets.
by Bob