BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

30 Health icon

13 Armor icon

13 Armor icon for high MMR
10 Armor icon

Captain Eudora (Eudora)

Captain Eudora (Eudora)

The picture of Captain Eudora
Dig for a Golden minion! (4 Digs left.)
Buddy: Dagwik Stickytoe
Add your strategy or tips:
The HP can only produce a minion from your current tavern tier or lower. So try to level up before the 5th dig.
by Bob
Keep in mind that the discovery you will get from the random golden minion of your HP often times is more important than the actual minion. Therefore, don't rush the 5th dig, but only use it if you can discover a useful 4, 5 or 6 drop (based on the available minion types).
by Bob
When playing Eudora, keep in mind that you are investing the 1 gold into the heropower each turn, making your actual board quite weak until you finally get to the fifth dig.

Don't sacrifice too much health when digging. Getting direction and/or a win condition from your golden minion is possible, but not guaranteed. Consider the golden minion and discovery as a form of tempo in the midgame and stay healthy and strong enough to get an actual comp going.
by Bob
The HP is factoring in the distribution of minions in the minion pool. For example if both Murlocs and Quilboars are in the pool, the odds of getting a Quilboar are higher because there are less different Murlocs than Quilboars after tavern tier 3.
by Bob