BG Know-How

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30 Health icon

18 Armor icon
15 Armor icon

Dinotamer Brann (Brann)

Dinotamer Brann (Brann)

The picture of Dinotamer Brann
Passive. After you buy 4 Battlecry minions, get Brann Bronzebeard. (Once per game.)
Buddy: Brann's Epic Egg
Add your strategy or tips:
This hero is a perfect fit for Murlocs.
by Bob
In order to get the Brann minion from the hero power as soon it is a valid tactic to stay on Tier 1 and roll for Battlecry minions.

Only chose this hero if the minion types available support this strategy (Naga and Elemental, for example).
by Bob
Notice that you will get the Brann from your HP simply from "buying" not from "playing" battlecry minions. Therefore, sometimes you can buy two or three minions in a turn and only play them after you played the Brann, doubling their battlecries, too.
by Bob