BG Know-How

“Welcome to my tavern, friends. Enjoy your stay!”

Uncompensated Upset [inactive]

The picture of Uncompensated Upset
Artist: L. Lullabi & A. Bozonnet

Start at 1 Gold. Minions cost (1) but sell for (0). Upgrading the Tavern costs (2) less.
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Avoid minions like Corpse Refiner and Time Saver, because their special abilities will also net zero gold with this anomaly active.
by Bob
The following are banned with this anomaly active.

Minion types: Pirates

Heroes: A. F. Kay, Azshara, Lord Barov, Chenvaala, Edwin, Elise, Ambassador Faelin, Gallywix, Hoggar, Kurtrus Ashfallen, Lich B, Millhouse Manastorm, Murloc Holmes, Mutanus, Omu, Rat King, Scabbs, Thorim, Xyrella, Y'Shaarj, Yogg

Minions: Corpse Refiner, Time Saver
by Bob